[Types-sig] Another declaration file

Tony Lownds tony@adam12.metanet.com
Tue, 20 Mar 2001 08:27:12 -0800

How do these declarations become real run-time checks? Does it appear 
in the XMLParser.py file or a separate file? Do you still need to add 
__paramcheck__() and __rccheck__() calls to the functions?

Can you post your latest code?


>from typecheck import __declare__
>from  sre import IMatch
># xmllib has a funny way of doing its init...
>#def XMLParser.__init__(self,
>#            accept_unquoted_attributes: IStrictBoolean,
>#            accept_missing_endtag_name: IStrictBoolean,
>#            map_case: IStrictBoolean,
>#            accept_utf8: IString,
>#            translate_attribute_references: IStrictBoolean )
>def XMLParser.reset(self) -> rc: INone
>def XMLParser.setnomoretags(self) -> rc: INone
>def XMLParser.setliteral(self) -> rc: INone
>def XMLParser.feed(self, data: IString) -> rc: INone
>def XMLParser.close(self) -> rc: INone
>def XMLParser.translate_references(self,
>             data:IString, all: IStrictBoolean)
>                 -> unknown: (IString | INone)
>def XMLParser.getnamespace(self) -> namespace: IMapping
>def XMLParser.goahead(self, end: IStrictBoolean) -> rc: INone
>def XMLParser.parse_comment(self, i: IInt) -> length_or_no_end : IInt
>def XMLParser.parse_doctype(self, res: IMatch)
>				-> length_or_no_end : IInt
>def XMLParser.parse_cdata(self, i: IInt) -> length_or_no_end : IInt
>def XMLparser.parse_starttag(self, i: IInt)
>					-> length_or_no_end : IInt
>def XMLParser.parse_endtag(self, i: IInt) -> length_or_no_end : IInt
>def XMLParser.finish_starttag(self, tagname: IString,
>                 attrdict: IMapping, method: (ICallable | INone) )
>          -> length_or_no_end : IInt
>def XMLParser.finish_endtag(self, tag: IString) -> rc: INone
>def XMLParser.handle_charref(self, name: IString) -> rc: INone
>def XMLparser.parse_proc(self, i: IInt) -> length_or_no_end : IInt
>def XMLParser.parse_attributes(self, tag: IString,
>                                 i: IInt, j: IInt)
>            -> (attrdict: IMapping, namespace: IMapping, i: IInt)
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