[Types-sig] QueryProtocol

Paul Prescod paulp@ActiveState.com
Wed, 21 Mar 2001 10:15:22 -0800

Michel Pelletier wrote:
> The way I understand the proposal, you query some interface for an object
> that implements an well known interface.

As I understand it, you query an *object* for another object that
implements an interface. You get back an object that conforms to the
interface or None. There is no concept of a vtable-style interface
object unless you want it.

>   o Where does the initial query interface come from?

It's just any Python object.

>   o Does a registry need to be kept (probably)?

I think we all agree now that the answer is "no".

>   o What if multiple object implement the same interface?

I don't think that is a problem with COM, XPCOM or this proposal. The
ability for multiple objects to implement the same interface is the
whole point of interfaces in any of these systems!

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