[Types-sig] QueryProtocol
Clark C. Evans
Thu, 22 Mar 2001 05:03:07 -0500 (EST)
An updated version. I'm going to ask for a PEP number now....
Robin and Paul,
Thank you both for your feedback and ideas
posted on this list the last few days; think
of me as a recorder here... I hope I got
it right.
Title: Adapter Mechanism
Version: $Revision$
Author: Clark Evans
Python-Version: 2.2
Status: Draft
Type: Standards Track
Created: 21-Mar-2001
Updated: 23-Mar-2001
This proposal puts forth a built-in, explicit method for
the adaptation (including verification) of an object to a
context where a specific type, class, interface, or other
protocol is expected. This proposal can leverage existing
protocols such as the type system and class hierarchy and is
orthogonal, if not complementary to the pending interface
mechanism [1] and signature based type-checking system [2]
This proposal allows an object to answer two questions. First,
are you a such and such? Meaning, does this object have a
particular required behavior? And second, if not, can you give
me a handle which is? Meaning, can the object construct an
appropriate wrapper object which can provide compliance with
the protocol expected. This proposal does not limit what
such and such (the protocol) is or what compliance to that
protocol means, and it allows other query/adapter techniques
to be added later and utilized through the same interface
and infrastructure introduced here.
Currently there is no standardized mechanism in Python for
asking if an object supports a particular protocol. Typically,
existence of particular methods, particularly those that are
built-in such as __getitem__, is used as an indicator of
support for a particular protocol. This technique works for
protocols blessed by GvR, such as the new enumerator proposal
identified by a new built-in __iter__. However, this technique
does not admit an infallible way to identify interfaces lacking
a unique, built-in signature method.
More so, there is no standardized way to obtain an adapter
for an object. Typically, with objects passed to a context
expecting a particular protocol, either the object knows about
the context and provides its own wrapper or the context knows
about the object and automatically wraps it appropriately. The
problem with this approach is that such adaptations are one-offs,
are not centralized in a single place of the users code, and
are not executed with a common technique, etc. This lack of
standardization increases code duplication with the same
adapter occurring in more than one place or it encourages
classes to be re-written instead of adapted. In both cases,
maintainability suffers.
In the recent type special interest group discussion [3], there
were two complementary quotes which motivated this proposal:
"The deep(er) part is whether the object passed in thinks of
itself as implementing the Foo interface. This means that
its author has (presumably) spent at least a little time
about the invariants that a Foo should obey." GvR [4]
"There is no concept of asking an object which interface it
implements. There is no "the" interface it implements. It's
not even a set of interfaces, because the object doesn't
know them in advance. Interfaces can be defined after objects
conforming to them are created." -- Marcin Kowalczyk [5]
The first quote focuses on the intent of a class, including
not only the existence of particular methods, but more
importantly the call sequence, behavior, and other invariants.
Where the second quote focuses on the type signature of the
class. These quotes highlight a distinction between interface
as a "declarative, I am a such-and-such" construct, as opposed
to a "descriptive, It looks like a such-and-such" mechanism.
Four positive cases for code-reuse include:
a) It is obvious object has the same protocol that
the context expects. This occurs when the type or
class expected happens to be the type of the object
or class. This is the simple and easiest case.
b) When the object knows about the protocol that the
context requires and knows how to adapt itself
appropriately. Perhaps it already has the methods
required, or it can make an appropriate wrapper
c) When the protocol knows about the object and can
adapt it on behalf of the context. This is often
the case with backwards-compatibility cases.
d) When the context knows about the object and the
protocol and knows how to adapt the object so that
the required protocol is satisfied.
This proposal should allow each of these cases to be handled,
however, the proposal only concentrates on the first two cases;
leaving the latter two cases where the protocol adapts the
object and where the context adapts the object to other proposals.
Furthermore, this proposal attempts to enable these four cases
in a manner completely neutral to type checking or interface
declaration and enforcement proposals.
For the purposes of this specification, let the word protocol
signify any current or future method of stating requirements of
an object be it through type checking, class membership, interface
examination, explicit types, etc. Also let the word compliance
be dependent and defined by each specific protocol.
This proposal initially supports one initial protocol, the
type/class membership as defined by isinstance(object,protocol)
Other types of protocols, such as interfaces can be added through
another proposal without loss of generality of this proposal.
This proposal attempts to keep the first set of protocols small
and relatively unobjectionable.
This proposal would introduce a new binary operator "isa".
The left hand side of this operator is the object to be checked
("self"), and the right hand side is the protocol to check this
object against ("protocol"). The return value of the operator
will be either the left hand side if the object complies with
the protocol or None.
Given an object and a protocol, the adaptation of the object is:
a) self, if the object is already compliant with the protocol,
b) a secondary object ("wrapper"), which provides a view of the
object compliant with the protocol. This is explicitly
vague, and wrappers are allowed to maintain their own
state as necessary.
c) None, if the protocol is not understood, or if object
cannot be verified compliant with the protocol and/or
if an appropriate wrapper cannot be constructed.
Further, a new built-in function, adapt, is introduced. This
function takes two arguments, the object being adapted ("obj")
and the protocol requested of the object ("protocol"). This
function returns the adaptation of the object for the protocol,
either self, a wrapper, or None depending upon the circumstances.
None may be returned if adapt does not understand the protocol,
or if adapt cannot verify compliance or create a wrapper.
For this machinery to work, two other components are required.
First is a private, shared implementation of the adapt function
and isa operator. This private routine will have three
arguments: the object being adapted ("self"), the protocol
requested ("protocol"), and a flag ("can_wrap"). The flag
specifies if the adaptation may be a wrapper, if the flag is not
set, then the adaptation may only be self or None. This flag is
required to support the isa operator. The obvious case
mentioned in the motivation, where the object easily complies
with the protocol, is implemented in this private routine.
To enable the second case mentioned in the motivation, when
the object knows about the protocol, a new method slot, __adapt__
on each object is required. This optional slot takes three
arguments, the object being adapted ("self"), the protocol
requested ("protocol"), and a flag ("can_wrap"). And, like
the other functions, must return an adaptation, be it self, a
wrapper if allowed, or None. This method slot allows a class
to declare which protocols it supports in addition to those
which are part of the obvious case.
This slot is called first before the obvious cases are examined,
if None is returned then the default processing proceeds. If the
default processing is wrong, then the AdaptForceNoneException
can be thrown. The private routine will catch this specific
exception and return None in this case. This technique allows an
class to subclass another class, but yet catch the cases where
it is considered as a substitutable for the base class. Since
this is the exception, rather than the normal case, an exception
is warranted and is used to pass this information along. The
caller of adapt or isa will be unaware of this particular exception
as the private routine will return None in this particular case.
Please note two important things. First, this proposal does not
preclude the addition of other protocols. Second, this proposal
does not preclude other possible cases where adapter pattern may
hold, such as the protocol knowing the object or the context
knowing the object and the protocol (cases c and d in the
motivation). In fact, this proposal opens the gate for these
other mechanisms to be added; while keeping the change in
manageable chunks.
Reference Implementation and Example Usage
import types
AdaptForceNoneException = "(private error for adapt and isa)"
def interal_adapt(obj,protocol,can_wrap):
# the obj may have the answer, so ask it about the ident
adapt = getattr(obj, '__adapt__',None)
if adapt:
retval = adapt(protocol,can_wrap)
# todo: if not can_wrap check retval for None or obj
except AdaptForceNoneException:
return None
if retval: return retval
# the protocol may have the answer, so ask it about the obj
# the context may have the answer, so ask it about the
# check to see if the current object is ok as is
if type(protocol) is types.TypeType or \
type(protocol) is types.ClassType:
if isinstance(obj,protocol):
return obj
# ok... nothing matched, so return None
return None
def adapt(obj,protocol):
return interal_adapt(obj,protocol,1)
# imagine binary operator syntax
def isa(obj,protocol):
return interal_adapt(obj,protocol,0)
from adapter import adapt
from adapter import isa
from adapter import AdaptForceNoneException
class KnightsWhoSayNi: pass # shrubbry troubles
class EggsOnly: # an unrelated class/interface
def eggs(self,str): print "eggs!" + str
class HamOnly: # used as an interface, no inhertance
def ham(self,str): pass
def _bugger(self): pass # irritating a private member
class SpamOnly: # a base class, inheritance used
def spam(self,str): print "spam!" + str
class EggsSpamAndHam (SpamOnly,KnightsWhoSayNi):
def ham(self,str): print "ham!" + str
def __adapt__(self,protocol,can_wrap):
if protocol is HamOnly:
# implements HamOnly implicitly, no _bugger
return self
if protocol is KnightsWhoSayNi:
# we are no longer the Knights who say Ni!
raise AdaptForceNoneException
if protocol is EggsOnly and can_wrap:
# Knows how to create the eggs!
return EggsOnly()
def test():
x = EggsSpamAndHam()
if None is adapt(x,KnightsWhoSayNi): print "IckIcky...!"
if isa(x,SpamOnly): print "SpamOnly"
if isa(x,EggsOnly): print "EggsOnly"
if isa(x,HamOnly): print "HamOnly"
if isa(x,EggsSpamAndHam): print "EggsAndSpam"
if isa(x,KnightsWhoSayNi): print "NightsWhoSayNi"
Example Run
>>> import test
>>> test.test()
Relationship To Paul Prescod and Tim Hochbergs Type Assertion method
The example syntax Paul put forth recently [2] was:
interface Interface
def __check__(self,obj)
Pauls proposal adds the checking part to the third (3)
case described in motiviation, when the protocol knows
about the object. As stated, this could be easily added
as a step in the interal_adapt function:
# the protocol may have the answer, so ask it about the obj
if typ is types.Interface:
if typ__check__(obj):
return obj
Further, and quite excitingly, if the syntax for this type
based assertion added an extra argument, "can_wrap", then this
mechanism could be overloaded to also provide adapters to
objects that the interface knows about.
In short, the work put forth by Paul and company is great, and
I dont see any problems why these two proposals couldnt work
together in harmony, if not be completely complementary.
Relationship to Python Interfaces [1] by Michel Pelletier
The relationship to this proposal is a bit less clear
to me, although an implements(obj,anInterface) built-in
function was mentioned. Thus, this could be added naively
as a step in the interal_adapt function:
if typ is types.Interface:
if implements(obj,protocol):
return obj
However, there is a clear concern here. Due to the
tight semantics being described in this specification,
it is clear the isa operator proposed would have to have
a 1-1 correspondence with implements function, when the
type of protocol is an Interface. Thus, when can_wrap is
true, __adapt__ may be called, however, it is clear that
the return value would have to be double-checked. Thus,
a more realistic change would be more like:
def internal_interface_adapt(obj,interface)
if implements(obj,interface):
return obj
return None
def interal_adapt(obj,protocol,can_wrap):
# the obj may have the answer, so ask it about the ident
adapt = getattr(obj, '__adapt__',None)
if adapt:
retval = adapt(protocol,can_wrap)
except AdaptForceNoneException:
if type(protocol) is types.Interface:
return internal_interface_adapt(obj,protocol)
return None
if retval:
if type(protocol) is types.Interface:
if can_wrap and implements(retval,protocol):
return retval
return internal_interface_adapt(obj,protocol)
return retval
if type(protocol) is types.Interface:
return internal_interface_adapt(obj,protocol)
# remainder of function...
It is significantly more complicated, but doable.
Relationship To Iterator Proposal:
The iterator special interest group is proposing a new built-in
called "__iter__", which could be replaced with __adapt__ if an
an Interator class is introduced. Following is an example.
class Iterator:
def next(self):
raise IndexError
class IteratorTest:
def __init__(self,max):
self.max = max
def __adapt__(self,protocol,can_wrap):
if protocol is Iterator and can_wrap:
class IteratorTestIterator(Iterator):
def __init__(self,max):
self.max = max
self.count = 0
def next(self):
self.count = self.count + 1
if self.count < self.max:
return self.count
return Iterator.next(self)
return IteratorTestIterator(self.max)
Relationships To Microsofts Query Interface:
Although this proposal may sounds similar to Microsofts
QueryInterface, it differs by a number of aspects. First,
there is not a special "IUnknown" interface which can be used
for object identity, although this could be proposed as one
of those "special" blessed interface protocol identifiers.
Second, with QueryInterface, once an object supports a particular
interface it must always there after support this interface;
this proposal makes no such guarantee, although this may be
added at a later time. Third, implementations of Microsofts
QueryInterface must support a kind of equivalence relation.
By reflexive they mean the querying an interface for itself
must always succeed. By symmetrical they mean that if one
can successfully query an interface IA for a second interface
IB, then one must also be able to successfully query the
interface IB for IA. And finally, by transitive they mean if
one can successfully query IA for IB and one can successfully
query IB for IC, then one must be able to successfully query
IA for IC. Ability to support this type of equivalence relation
should be encouraged, but may not be possible. Further research
on this topic (by someone familiar with Microsoft COM) would be
helpful in further determining how compatible this proposal is.
Backwards Compatibility
There should be no problem with backwards compatibility.
Indeed this proposal, save an built-in adapt() function,
could be tested without changes to the interpreter.
Questions and Answers
Q: Why was the name changed from __query__ to __adapt__ ?
A: It was clear that significant QueryInterface assumptions were
being laid upon the proposal, when the intent was more of an
adapter. Of course, if an object does not need to be adapted
then it can be used directly and this is the basic premise.
Q: This is just a type-coercion proposal.
A: No. Certainly it could be used for type-coercion, such
coercion would be explicit via __adapt__ or adapt function.
Of course, if this was used for iterator interface, then the
for construct may do an implicit __adapt__(Iterator) but
this would be an exception rather than the rule.
Q: Why did the author write this PEP?
A: He wanted a simple proposal that covered the "deep part" of
interfaces without getting tied up in signature woes. Also, it
was clear that __iter__ proposal put forth is just an example
of this type of interface. Further, the author is doing XML
based client server work, and wants to write generic tree based
algorithms that work on particular interfaces and would
like these algorithms to be used by anyone willing to make
an "adapter" having the interface required by the algorithm.
Q: Is this in opposition to the type special interest group?
A: No. It is meant as a simple, need based solution that could
easily complement the efforts by that group.
Q: Why was the identifier changed from a string to a class?
A: This was done on Michel Pelletiers suggestion. This mechanism
appears to be much cleaner than the DNS string proposal, which
caused a few eyebrows to rise.
Q: Why not handle the case where instances are used to identify
protocols? In other words, 6 isa 6 (where the 6 on the right
is promoted to an types.Int
A: Sounds like someone might object, lets keep this in a
separate proposal.
Q: Why not let obj isa obj be true? or class isa baseclass?
A: Sounds like someone might object, lets keep this in a
separate proposal.
Q: It seems that a reverse lookup could be used, why not add this?
A: There are many other lookup and/or checking mechanisms that
could be used here. However, the goal of this PEP is to be
small and sweet ... having any more functionality would make
it more objectionable to some people. However, this proposal
was designed in large part to be completely orthogonal to other
methods, so these mechanisms can be added later if needed
This proposal was created in large part by the feedback
of the talented individuals on both the main mailing list
and also the type signature list. Specific contributors
include (sorry if I missed someone).
Robin Thomas, Paul Prescod, Michel Pelletier,
Alex Martelli, Jeremy Hylton, Carlos Ribeiro,
Aahz Maruch, Fredrik Lundh, Rainer Deyke,
Timothy Delaney, and Huaiyu Zhu
This document has been placed in the public domain.
References and Footnotes
[1] http://python.sourceforge.net/peps/pep-0245.html
[2] http://mail.python.org/pipermail/types-sig/2001-March/001223.html
[3] http://www.zope.org/Members/michel/types-sig/TreasureTrove
[4] http://mail.python.org/pipermail/types-sig/2001-March/001105.html
[5] http://mail.python.org/pipermail/types-sig/2001-March/001206.html
[6] http://mail.python.org/pipermail/types-sig/2001-March/001223.html