[Web-SIG] Request and Response objects

David Fraser davidf at sjsoft.com
Wed Nov 5 16:23:28 EST 2003

Ian Bicking wrote:

> On Nov 5, 2003, at 10:34 AM, Gregory (Grisha) Trubetskoy wrote:
>> On Wed, 5 Nov 2003, Stuart Bishop wrote:
>>> The "response"-type class is the interesting bit - the API for setting
>>> status codes, headers, cookies etc. And you do want multiples, of
>>> which only one is sent to the client. In particular, if you catch an
>>> exception and are preparing an error message you will want a clean
>>> response to work with rather than, for example, accidently sending
>>> your error message with the wrong content-type. The alternative would
>>> be a reset() method on the response buffer, although this isn't as
>>> flexible.
>>> def handler(request):
>>>     try:
>>>         response = Reponse(request)
>>>         filename = response.request.getFirst('filename')
>>>         response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'image/jpeg'
>>>         response.cookies['latest'] = filename
>>>         response.write(open(filename,'rb').read()) # A filelike object
>>>     except IOError:
>>>         response = Response(request)
>>>         response.status = 404
>>>         print >> response, 'File not found'
>>>     response.close() # No more data - compute content-length header
>>>     response.send() # Send to client.
>> The functional equivalent of the above would look like this in 
>> mod_python.
>> def handler(req):
>>     req.content_type = 'image/jpeg'
>>     try:
>>         req.sendfile(req.filename)
>>     except IOError:
>>         return apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND
>>     return apache.OK
>> 1. This is a pretty good example of the fact that dual objects don't do
>> much other than introduce extra typing.
> Dual objects avoid something like "req.content_type = 'image/jpeg'", 
> which is not just a misnomer, but confusing and ambiguous, because 
> both request and response have a content type.
>> 2. This is too low level of an example:
>> The specifics of how an HTTP error is handled are going to vary from
>> server to server - e.g. Apache httpd will furnish it's own error text.
>> (BTW, HTTP errors shouldn't happen if your application is written well.)
> Of course applications should return errors.  404 is common, 401 and 
> 403 are entirely reasonable, and 400 is a reasonable way to respond to 
> unexpected input; 30x errors are obviously okay, and fit into an 
> overall framework of exceptions.  And WebDAV servers have to set the 
> error response very specifically, including the body of the response.
> A boilerplate message is fine when nothing else is specified, but 
> there should exist the possibility of setting the message in your 
> application.
>> Response.close() and response.send() also assume too much control 
>> over the
>> server. Unless we abstract completely by providing our own buffering
>> (which would do little other than introduce inefficiency), the buffering
>> is handled by the server, and whether and when content-length is set
>> depends on encoding used (chunked doesn't need content-length), which is
>> something also best left for the server to decide.
> Some sort of buffering is probably necessary if we want to be able to 
> add headers after some of the body has been created.  This is a common 
> practice.  Raising an exception in the middle of creating the body 
> should also be handled gracefully.  I think it's okay to make an 
> exception when someone explicitly says they want to stream the 
> response, but for most pages it doesn't matter.

This sounds more application-level specifics to me. We're designing an 
API that will have to work with multiple servers

>> Whatever we come up with needs to be at a higher level.
>> having flush() would be appropriate I think.
>> sendfile() is another nice thing to have - if the environment has a
>> native implementation (e.g. mod_python), then it could be used, 
>> otherwise
>> it'd just be req.write(open(file)read())
> Yes, that's a good idea to have.

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