[Web-SIG] Iterator protocols.

Alan Kennedy py-web-sig at xhaus.com
Mon Aug 30 23:05:08 CEST 2004

[Ian Bicking]
> Why?  So long as he is catching the StopIteration that is in 
> __builtin__, which may or may not be the object he originally put in 
> there, it should all be fine.  So maybe he should do:
> try:
>     StopIteration
> except NameError:
>     class StopIteration(Exception):
>         pass
>     __builtin__.StopIteration = StopIteration
>     del StopIteration


Here's my implementation: minds think alike!

private void create_stop_iteration ( )
   "  StopIteration\n"+
   "except NameError:\n"+
   "  class StopIteration(Exception): pass\n"+
   "  import sys ; sys.add_package('org.python.core')\n"+
   "  from org.python.core import __builtin__\n"+
   "  __builtin__.StopIteration = StopIteration\n"+
   "  del StopIteration\n"



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