[Web-SIG] Asynchronous HTTP server in standard library ?

Graham Fawcett fawcett at teksavvy.com
Wed Jan 21 12:30:33 EST 2004

John J Lee wrote:

>On Thu, 15 Jan 2004, Graham Fawcett wrote:
>>(In the spirit of embracing emerging standards, I'll buy a beer for
>>whoever makes a PyWCI 1.0 Container out of this, or out of the original
>>Medusa code!)
>Now, who says Python can't compete with Java on funding?
Did I mention it would be Canadian beer? None of that watery stuff: this 
offer is a deal at any price!

Regarding Pierre's question about adding async HTTP to the standard 
library: I think my vote would go to "adding Medusa-like functions to 
SimpleAsyncHTTPServer". Medusa's great, it works just fine for me; I'm 
just not sure I see it being added to the standard library. It's not 
part of the *HTTPServer family, for one thing; why introduce an orphan?

-- Graham

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