[Web-SIG] [WSGI] mod_python wrapper: minimal first attempt

Phillip J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Thu Oct 14 19:39:27 CEST 2004

At 11:20 PM 10/13/04 -0700, Robert Brewer wrote:
>I wrote:
> > Here's the revised version. I haven't tested everything; for example,
> > reading straight from wsgi.input or writing to .errors. I'll wait for
> > the bug reports. :)
>Okay. I just did file uploads (with cgi.FieldStorage) and naturally
>encountered errors ;) which were printed to the apache2 error.log.
>However, this did *not* happen in BaseCGIHandler.log_exception because
>the headers had already been set, which raised another error, which also
>got printed to error.log. Not sure what to do about that, if anything.

Send me both tracebacks.  :)

One quick question: what is 'sys.stderr' for Python under mod_python?  If 
it prints to the error log, there's no reason (at least from a compliance 
POV) not to simply use it as the handler's stderr.

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