[Web-SIG] DOM-based templating

Shannon -jj Behrens jjinux at gmail.com
Fri Jun 3 19:31:25 CEST 2005

If you made Stan separate, I'd be very inclined to add any explicity
support for it necessary to Aquarium.  I think templatings engines are
a matter of opinion, and it'd be nice to share more code here.  Thanks
to Ksenia's hard work, Aquarium now supports WSGI.

I see a brighter future ahead of us all :)

Best Regards,

On 6/3/05, Donovan Preston <dp at ulaluma.com> wrote:
> On Jun 2, 2005, at 11:18 PM, Ian Bicking wrote:
> While we're on the topic of DOM-based templating...
> FormEncode has a module htmlfill 
> (http://formencode.org/docs/htmlfill.html), which is
> basically like 
> DOM-based templating that just knows about HTML forms.  But currently it 
> doesn't use a DOM, it uses an HTMLParser subclass.  This makes it much 
> more complex than it would otherwise be, and misses out on some 
> potential performance gains -- many times the input to htmlfill will be 
> output from a template or HTML generator, and so often the DOM from the 
> template is serialized to text, then parsed again.
> I had thought about moving this to a DOM or DOM-ish thing of some sort, 
> but I don't know which one.  Unfortunately many of the options are not 
> very humane -- that is, they are "correct", but not user-friendly. 
> Here's what I'd like, and maybe someone can suggest something (I won't 
> claim HTMLParser is that humane either; but I'm looking to improve 
> this).  Here's what I'd like:
> We've talked about this slightly before, but I think now more than ever stan
> can be that DOM. I don't think it would be too much work; it would mostly
> require removing assumptions that other nevow modules are available. I think
> stan could be broken out of nevow and into a standalone thing by pulling
> these modules:
> nevow.stan
> nevow.tags
> nevow.loaders
> nevow.context
> And the package:
> nevow.flat
> I'm willing to do the work, and I'm willing to remove assumptions it makes
> and refactor things until they are clean. The module which would require the
> most work is nevow.context -- an internal rendering implementation detail
> that Nevow makes explicit but I would want to hide from non-Nevow users of
> stan. nevow.context was the first module of nevow to be written, and has a
> bunch of crufty bad decisions that haven't yet been refactored out of
> existence. But I'd like to do it, and this would give me an excuse to.
> * Can parse HTML, not just XHTML.  Not the crazy HTML browsers parse, 
> but unambiguous well-formed HTML.  I don't like the idea of putting the 
> HTML through tidy; that's fine for a screen-scraper, but is way too 
> defensive for this kind of thing.
> nevow.loaders.htmlfile does a good job of parsing normal html.
> nevow.loaders.xmlfile parses strict XHTML and allows more tag tricks, but I
> think casual users won't notice the difference, especially for the purpose
> you desire.
> * Can generate HTML.  This is probably easy to tack onto most systems, 
> even if it isn't present now -- it's just a couple rules about how to 
> serialize tags.
> HTML rather than XHTML? I'm curious what the motivation for this is, and if
> you know what the couple of rules would be. I think it wouldn't be too hard.
> Hmm, I guess the motivation for the previous point is the next point?
> * Doesn't modify the output at all for areas where no transformations 
> occurred.  It doesn't wipe out whitespace.  It *definitely* doesn't lose 
> comments.  It keeps attribute order.  When nodes are modified it's 
> sometimes ambiguous how that effects the output, so if attribute order 
> is lost there it's not that big a deal.
> stan is whitespace in, whitespace out. It keeps comments. It uses a dict for
> attributes, but this could be changed easily. nevow.url uses a list of
> tuples, because order is actually important there. This means it needs to
> have a different API; it has .add() as well as .replace(). Add adds a new
> key value pair, even if the key is already present; replace finds any
> existing keys and puts a new value in it's place, preserving the original
> order.
> * Can output nicely-formatted code.  Probably easy to add, but nice if 
> it's already there.  This is, of course, entirely contrary to the 
> previous item ;)  When generating nodes *purely* from Python, systems 
> tend to produce HTML/XML with no extra whitespace at all, and completely 
>   unreadable.
> This is really, really, really a bad idea. While browsers claim to be
> whitespace agnostic, they make a huge rendering distinction between "no
> whitespace present" and "any whitespace present". Nevow preserves any
> whitespace that was originally in your template, but when generating tags
> from Python it can't, so it doesn't.
> That said, it is something I have considered writing before. Woven had it. I
> found it to be more trouble than it is worth. I think it should be added,
> but you should have to go out of your way to turn it on, and it should be
> off by default.
> * Keeps around enough information to produce good error messages.  It 
> needs to be possible to figure out the line and maybe column where a 
> node was originally defined.  If we're supporting multiple 
> transformations by multiple systems, then this information needs to 
> persist through the transformations.  I think this is a really important 
> and undervalued feature; anyone can write a templating system with 
> crappy error messages (and lots and lots of people do).  Good error 
> messages set a templating system apart.
> A great idea. It would be trivial to add file/line/column information and
> populate it differently in each of the loaders. I love it, I'm going to go
> do it right now.
> * Reasonably fast.
> Nevow was designed as an optimization of woven, and as a result is pretty
> fast. It has a two-pass system where one pass is taken when the template is
> initially loaded (once per template per process, assuming the template
> doesn't change on disk) and non-important nodes are optimized out of what
> actually happens at render time.
> There's also a bunch of low hanging optimization work in nevow.context. When
> I originally wrote it, I was worried about people mutating things so I made
> lots of copies. In the meantime, it turns out that the "correct" style of
> using it is to not mutate things but be somewhat functional and side effect
> free. Since mutating is still nice for some things, the objects which get
> mutated get copied before you get called to mutate them. But, a lot, lot
> more copying currently happens than is necessary.
> Yet another thing I have been meaning to do but haven't gotten around to,
> that this might encourage me to do.
> I've played around just a bit with ElementTree, but I only felt so-so 
> about it.  I felt like it was pretty correct, but not very humane -- 
> maybe that'd be good enough if I was processing big XML documents, but 
> it doesn't work for HTML templating.
> Agreed.
> dp
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