[Web-SIG] JavaScript libraries

Mike Orr mso at oz.net
Fri May 6 20:54:20 CEST 2005

Shannon -jj Behrens wrote:

>>On a more serious tone, the idea itself has some merit. However, Plone
>>carries a lot of overhead. I would rather prefer a lightweight
>>framework for such 'plug ins'. I wondered a long time about doing some
>>work with CherryPy along these lines, but I never had the time to make
>>it. I just hope to be able to make it now that I found some free time
>>for my hacking. Things should be simpler IMHO...
>Python Web application framework developers can't agree on a common
>set of code.  Hence, they move on to trying to talk about sharing
>JavaScript techniques.  However, they can't agree on how to do that
>either, because they can't figure out what to write the Web site in! 

... but somehow python.org is functioning in spite of this. :)

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