[Web-SIG] IIS 6.0 Trouble With "os.getcwd()"

Sean K. Friese skfriese at gmail.com
Mon Oct 17 16:57:46 CEST 2005

 Anyone encounter an issue when using "os.getcwd()" in a Python CGI script
called from an IIS 6.0 box?
 Apparently the only thing that is ever returned is the root of the virtual
directory the script is in. No matter how deep the script is nestled, you'll
never end up with the actual current working directory of the script. This
kills two of my apps that I'm migrating to version 6.0 so far. It appears to
be broken, but then again, with my limited experience in IIS 6.0, there
*could* be some setting in there that is causing this, but I doubt it.
 Is there a workaround, or alternatively, is there another way to get the
current working directory of the script being requested? I've tried a few
things, but can't find something that is as "portable", without hardcoding
at least one string somewhere!
 Thanks in advance!
-Sean K. Friese
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