[Web-SIG] environ["wsgi.input"].read()

Manlio Perillo manlio_perillo at libero.it
Sun Jan 27 12:31:49 CET 2008

Graham Dumpleton ha scritto:
> [...]
> I have brought up the issue of chunked encoding and mutating input
> filters previously, whether they be implemented in Apache or as WSGI
> middleware. For the outcome of that discussion see:
>   http://groups.google.com/group/python-web-sig/browse_frm/thread/25bf70b49a90e0c0

 > [...]

This is just a suggestion, but what about "requiring" that a WSGI 
implementation calls the WSGI application only when all the request body 
has been read?

Moreover, it should be possible to register a filter function that will 
be called when the server reads each chunk of input.

With Nginx, as an example, I have choosen this solution, and in fact the 
wsgi.input is a cString or File object.

Unfortunately Nginx still does not implements input filters.

Manlio Perillo

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