[Web-SIG] Python 3.0 and WSGI 1.0.

P.J. Eby pje at telecommunity.com
Thu Apr 2 00:37:49 CEST 2009

At 01:09 PM 4/1/2009 -0700, Guido van Rossum wrote:
>Well you could make the bytes versions available under different keys.
>I think you do something a bit similar this in webob, e.g. req.params
>vs. req.str_params. (Perhaps you could have QUERY_STRING and
>QUERY_BYTES.) The decode() call used to create the text strings could
>use 'replace' as the error handler and the app could check for the
>presence of the replacement character ('\ufffd') in the string to see
>if there was a problem; or it could just work with the string
>containing that character and report the user some kind of 40x or 50x
>error. Frameworks (like webob) would of course do the right thing and
>look for QUERY_BYTES before QUERY_STRING. QUERY_BYTES should probably
>be optional.

The big problem I see with this approach is that any middleware that 
operates on these environment keys would have to be changed.

I think perhaps the problem here is the assumption that the environ 
dictionary has to be a straight-up copy of os.environ, when it can be 
whatever we want it to be.  If wsgiref or other CGI->WSGI gateways 
have to change to get the environ set up correctly, this is less of a 
problem than forcing everybody to rewrite their middleware and apps.

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