[Web-SIG] Python 3.0 and WSGI 1.0.

Graham Dumpleton graham.dumpleton at gmail.com
Thu Apr 2 01:00:10 CEST 2009

2009/4/2 Alan Kennedy <alan at xhaus.com>:
> Hi Graham,
> I think yours is a good solution to the problem.
> [Graham]
>> In other words, leave all the existing CGI variables to come through
>> as latin-1 decode
> As latin-1 or rfc-2047 decoded, to unicode.

Has anyone actually got an example of code for doing RFC-2047
decoding. Are there even any systems which make use of that encoding
for web requests anyway. I still haven't really addressed that
decoding requirement and I haven't seen any existing Python web stuff
that tries to.

>> and do anything new in 'wsgi' variable namespace,
> So the server provides
> "wsgi.server_decoded_SCRIPT_NAME" == u"whatever"
> "wsgi.server_decoded_PATH_INFO" == u"whatever"
> "wsgi.server_decode_charset" == u"utf-8"

Hmmm, I thought we were talking about the 'wsgi.' variants being
bytes. Ie., only talking here about Python 3.0. The existing
SCRIPT_NAME etc, would be string (unicode), but as latin-1.


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