[Web-SIG] Emulating req.write() in WSGI
Graham Dumpleton
graham.dumpleton at gmail.com
Wed Jun 30 14:34:11 CEST 2010
On 30 June 2010 22:26, Graham Dumpleton <graham.dumpleton at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 30 June 2010 21:35, Aaron Fransen <aaron.fransen at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 6:17 PM, Graham Dumpleton
>> <graham.dumpleton at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On 30 June 2010 02:14, Aaron Fransen <aaron.fransen at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> > Couple more things I've been able to discern.
>>> >
>>> > The first happened after I "fixed" the html code. Originally under
>>> > mod_python, I guess I was cheating more than a little bit by sending
>>> > <html></html> code blocks twice, once for the incremental notices, once
>>> > for
>>> > the final content. Once I changed the code to send a single properly
>>> > parsed
>>> > block, the entire document showed up as expected, however it still did
>>> > not
>>> > send any part of the html incrementally.
>>> >
>>> > Watching the line with Wireshark, all of the data was transmitted at the
>>> > same time, so nothing was sent to the browser incrementally.
>>> >
>>> > (This is using the write() functionality, I haven't tried watching the
>>> > line
>>> > with yield yet.)
>>> Use a variation of WSGI middleware wrapper in:
>>> http://code.google.com/p/modwsgi/wiki/DebuggingTechniques#Tracking_Request_and_Response
>>> using it to 'print' returned data to Apache log and then tail Apache
>>> error log to see when that data is output. Alternatively, change the
>>> code there to output a time stamp against each chunk of data written
>>> to the file recording the response content.
>>> This will show what data is returned by WSGI application, before
>>> mod_wsgi truncates anything greater than content length specified,
>>> plus also show whether it is your WSGI application which is delaying
>>> output somehow, or whether Apache output filters are doing it.
>>> Graham
>> I've actually tried a variation on this already using a built-in logging
>> facility in the application that writes date/time values to an external log
>> file with comments, and in the case of testing wsgi I actually included some
>> time.sleep() statements to force a delay in the application.
>> To give you an idea of the flow, here's essentially what's going on:
>> def application(environ,start_response):
>> mydict = {}
>> mydict['environ']=environ
>> mydict['startresponse'] = start_response
>> # run program in another .py file that has been imported
>> RunTest(mydict)
>> Then in the other module you would have something like:
>> def RunTest(mydict):
>> status = '200 OK'
>> response_headers = [('Content-type','text/html')]
>> writeobj = detail['startresponse'](status,response_headers)
>> writeobj('<html><body>Fetching sales for 2009...')
>> time.sleep(2)
>> writeobj('<br>Fetching sales for 2010...')
>> ...then finally...
>> writeobj('5000 results returned.</body></html>')
>> return
>> This is obviously a truncated (and fake) example, but it gives you an idea
>> of the flow.
> Now go try the following two examples as illustrated instead.
> In both cases, do not use a web browser, instead telnet to the port of
> the web server and enter HTTP GET directly. If you are not using
> VirtualHost, use something like:
> telnet localhost 80
> GET /stream-yield.wsgi HTTP/1.0
> If using a VirtualHost, use something like:
> telnet localhost 80
> GET /stream-yield.wsgi HTTP/1.1
> Host: tests.example.com
> Ensure additional blank line entered to indicate end of headers.
> First example uses yield.
> # stream-yield.wsgi
> import time
> def application(environ, start_response):
> status = '200 OK'
> response_headers = [('Content-type', 'text/plain')]
> start_response(status, response_headers)
> for i in range(10):
> yield '%d\n' % i
> time.sleep(1)
> Second example uses write:
> # stream-write.wsgi
> import time
> def application(environ, start_response):
> status = '200 OK'
> response_headers = [('Content-type', 'text/plain')]
> write = start_response(status, response_headers)
> for i in range(10):
> write('%d\n' % i)
> time.sleep(1)
> return []
> For me, using stock standard operating system supplied Apache on Mac
> OS X, I see a line returned every second.
> If I use Safari as a web browser, in both cases the browser only shows
> the response after all data has been written and the socket connection
> closed. If I use Firefox however, they display as data comes in.
> This delay in display is thus possibly just the behaviour of a
> specific browser delaying the display until the socket is closed.
> The example for multipart/x-mixed-replace which others mention is:
> import time
> def application(environ, start_response):
> status = '200 OK'
> response_headers = [('Content-Type', 'multipart/x-mixed-replace;
> boundary=xstringx')]
> start_response(status, response_headers)
> yield '--xstrinx\n'
> for i in range(10):
> yield 'Content-type: text/plain\n'
> yield '\n'
> yield '%d\n' % i
> yield '--xstringx\n'
> time.sleep(1)
> With telnet you will see the various sections, but with Safari again
> only shows at end, although you will find that it only shows the data
> line, ie., the number and not all the other stuff. So, understands
> multipart format but doesn't support x-mixed-replace. It was always
> the case that only certain browsers supported that mime type. In the
> case of Firefox, it doesn't seem to like it at all and seems to give
> up and not display anything, not even replacing the previously
> displayed page contents.
> What this means is that you cant rely on browsers to handle multipart
> mixed replace alone. If you were really going to use that format, you
> really want to use JavaScript and AJAX stuff to process it. The same
> applies for progressive display of plain text content when streamed
> over time.
> In summary, you really want to be using some JavaScript/AJAX stuff on
> browser side to get uniform behaviour on all the browsers.
Based on some Googling, sees that Firefox may have got rid of support
for multipart mixed replace in version 3.0.
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