[Web-SIG] Draft 2: WSGI Response Upgrade Bridging

Robert Collins robertc at robertcollins.net
Tue Oct 14 04:59:22 CEST 2014

On 14 October 2014 01:18, Benoit Chesneau <bchesneau at gmail.com> wrote:

>> C - Support for chunked uploads, comet, bosh and websockets is
>> effectively impossible within WSGI - one ends up writing server
>> specific code, and being tied to a single server - even though
>> multiple servers support (some of) those things. This defeats the
>> point of WSGI IMNSHO: its not that WSGI is broken or anything, its
>> just that we're once again writing all our generic middleware in
>> server-specific fashions. Because the world has moved on and we
>> haven't.
> Chunkedn upload is possible and already handled with Gunicorn. But there is
> no standard for that.

Right. Thus we need one.

> For C I would separate it from the rest. This a different discussion and imo
> not everything can be achieved at the same time. Maybe we should start first
> by fixing them, then go for the next step anyway. So the transition could be
> incremental in servers and frameworks and actually fix the current spec.

What makes C a different discussion?

> For A (And C), i think we should keep the new specification enough agnostic.
> Especially since HTTP 2 is not yet completely out.

HTTP/2 is in last call stage: it will be entirely finished by the time
we get through whatever process we have here.

What do you want to see changed in the process I'm following?


Robert Collins <rbtcollins at hp.com>
Distinguished Technologist
HP Converged Cloud

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