[Wheel-builders] libpythonX.Y.so.1

Nate Coraor nate at bx.psu.edu
Thu Mar 3 11:42:25 EST 2016

On Wed, Mar 2, 2016 at 4:21 PM, Olivier Grisel <olivier.grisel at ensta.org>

> > IIRC, there is an open PR to pip (https://github.com/pypa/pip/pull/3497).
> I think adding your voice there might help move it along. I think that PR
> is ready to merge, but just lacking the last necessary push from a pip
> maintainer to merge it.
> If you manage to build manylinux1 wheels for psycopg2 it would be
> great to publish them to a public URL and report that you can install
> them successfully on various linux versions (e.g. old and recent
> debian, ubuntu, fedora, arch...) using this branch of pip.

I'm getting our wheel build system (
https://github.com/galaxyproject/starforge) set up to build manylinux1
wheels in an automated fashion. Here's the cp27mu wheel:


More to come once the UCS-2 Pythons are ready in the image.

It would also be great to test on non-compatible variant of linux
> (e.g. alpine linux) that this version of pip ignores those manylinux1
> wheels as expected.
> I think that would help convince the pip maintainers that this PR is
> ready for merge.
> --
> Olivier
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