[Python Wpg] Meeting time and location

Mike Pfaiffer mpfaiffer at callapple.org
Thu Dec 8 20:55:39 EST 2005

On December 8, 2005 06:38 pm, Phil Mendelsohn wrote this amazing epistle:
> Mike Pfaiffer said:
> >  The 13'th is the same date as the MUUG meeting.
> <SNIP>
> > If there is a lot to talk about then
> > perhaps 6:15 might be a better time. At about five or ten to 7:00 we
> > could all collectively head over to the MUUG meeting.
> Not everyone is a MUUG member.  In fact, not everyone lives in town!

 Relax. It was only a suggestion. ;-)

 Besides, the meeting is free and open to the public. I figured the Python 
group meeting would be brief. This way it would save those who are MUUG 
members an extra trip.

> I like Stuart's original suggestion.  Any place should be good on that
> day, for me, I think.

 I'm OK with the day and time as long as we all agree on it. As long as it is 
accessible by bus, I'm fine.

> I would also encourage that structure and organization be kept to a
> minimum -- time, place, and one topic per meeting.  It's better to run
> long on a simple program than be burdened with organizing a big meeting.
> No constraints beyond that -- personally, I find Python a lot more
> interesting than the "Club Organization Club." ;)

 For next weeks meeting, it's pretty much going to be on how we are going to 
organise the club. At least that's how I read it. I didn't think it was 
already set up. After the initial meeting, subsequent meetings will be what 
ever the club decides. Consider it an "executive" meeting before the general 
meeting. Most user groups do it this way so people are prepared when it's 
time to speak.

> Of course, I'm probably trying to recreate the environment at the TCPZUG
> (Twin Cities Python/Zope Users Group) which was loosely based on the TCLUG
> minimal format.

 I can't comment on either since I've never attended either.

> The location can be flexible, but it may be easier to keep time and date
> the same every month (or two-weeks, or year, or whatever).

 Agreed. I would also suggest a consistant location. This way it's more likely 
to have "walk in" traffic. If potential members have to figure out the 
location from meeting to meeting, they are less likely to attend. It's one 
thing to be an elite club but another thing entirely to discourage new 
membership or limit it to invitation only.

> Best,
> Phil M


|Call-A.P.P.L.E. and the Digital Civilization http://www.callapple.org |
|   http://members.shaw.ca/pfaiffer = Mike Pfaiffer (B.A., B.Sc.)      |
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