[Python Wpg] Python advocacy in Winnipeg

syd at plug.ca syd at plug.ca
Mon Apr 17 16:28:02 EDT 2006

> I have made some informal offers to local businesses in IT to give a
> presentation on Python to their IT staff.  There's also a possibility
> that I'll teach a Python class in Winnipeg in the next while.
> I added the following to the wiki:
>   Do you want to find out more about Python from a demo, a tutorial,
>   or a class? Do you have other questions about this group? Contact
>   Stuart Williams
> This raises a few questions.
> Does anyone object to my publicly naming myself one of official
> contacts for this group?

I have no objections. If others would like to list themselves, it might be
good to have a section with categories like courses/consultants/jobboard


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