From m.hohner at Fri Oct 6 01:20:41 2006 From: m.hohner at (Michael Hohner) Date: Fri, 06 Oct 2006 00:20:41 -0500 Subject: [Python Wpg] a recent interview with Guido van Rossum Message-ID: <> Greetings All; Thought some of you may be interested in a recent interview with Guido van Rossum... see episode #11. Cheers, Michael From sbalneav at Tue Oct 10 11:57:22 2006 From: sbalneav at (Scott Balneaves) Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2006 10:57:22 -0500 Subject: [Python Wpg] IDE's for Python: pida Message-ID: <20061010155722.GB5372@localdomain> Hello all! Someone just pointed pida out to me: Some may find it interesting. In Debian & ubuntu, it's in the standard repos. Scott -- Scott L. Balneaves | "Looking beyond the embers of bridges glowing behind us Systems Department | To a glimpse of how green it was on the other side..." Legal Aid Manitoba | -- Pink Floyd "High Hopes" From syd at Mon Oct 16 21:57:42 2006 From: syd at (Sydney Weidman) Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2006 20:57:42 -0500 Subject: [Python Wpg] Question about portability Message-ID: <1161050262.29142.26.camel@localhost.localdomain> I do most of my python development on Linux, but I've got some things which are now being distributed publicly and Windows users are asking me to make things more portable. I have a bit of software that uses an ini-style configuration file. In Linux, it's easy to figure out where to put it: /etc/zopeutils.ini. In Windows I'm not so sure anymore. In my code, I could guess where the standard place for config files is on Windows or take a command line config file option, but it would be bad to have the arguments be optional on *nix/OSX and be mandatory on Windows. It would make more sense if python had something in the os module that would tell me where the right place is. Does anyone know the canonical way of finding where Windows puts a config file? Do I have to read registry keys? Does it live in $WINDIR/appname.ini, or am I stuck int he Win3.1 era? Thanks for any advice. -- Sydney Weidman <syd at> Prairie Linux User Group From stuartw at Mon Oct 23 23:14:24 2006 From: stuartw at (Stuart Williams) Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2006 22:14:24 -0500 Subject: [Python Wpg] Upcoming Meeting - IDE's Message-ID: <> Don't forget the next exciting installment of WinniPUG, this Wednesday night at 7:30 p.m., where we'll learn about some popular integrated development environments for Python. Meeting location details at I'll be demonstrating IPython, and also Emacs, and also IPython from within Emacs. If you're planning to present, please post to the list to remind us what we'll be seeing. I suspect the presentations will be short enough and few enough that those who want to can head out afterwards for even more interesting discussions over beverages. Stuart. From syd at Tue Oct 24 01:42:21 2006 From: syd at (Sydney Weidman) Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2006 00:42:21 -0500 Subject: [Python Wpg] Regrets Message-ID: <1161668541.23021.13.camel@localhost.localdomain> Hi! Unfortunately my message to Stuart was returned with the message "Service unavailable", so I'm sending this to the list instead. I'm going to be in Seattle at the Plone conference this week. When I offered to present on Stani's Python Editor, I wasn't aware that I would be attending this conference. The short story is I won't be able to make the presentation. For Wednesday, someone will have to get security to open up 2M70 if it isn't already open. Additionally, someone will have to come a bit early and get the media person at the media desk in the library to come and open up the podium cabinet. They've changed the setup so that there is a fixed podium with a single monitor cable for a laptop. I apologize for the confusion, and perhaps at next month's meeting I'll have some interesting python-related things to report on from the conference. Have a great meeting! - Syd From high.res.mike at Fri Oct 27 23:58:24 2006 From: high.res.mike at (Mike Pfaiffer) Date: Fri, 27 Oct 2006 22:58:24 -0500 Subject: [Python Wpg] Had to change my e-mail account Message-ID: <> I missed the last meeting too. What did I miss? Later Mike