From stuartw at  Tue Jan  9 22:18:35 2007
From: stuartw at (Stuart Williams)
Date: Tue, 9 Jan 2007 21:18:35 -0600
Subject: [Python Wpg] February meeting
Message-ID: <>

What shall our agenda be for this month's meeting?  Here are some
possibilities, some of which we discussed in November.

1. GUI development via wxPython, XRC, and XRCed (or other XRC GUI

2. LdapFS sprint.

3. Comparison of web toolkits such as Django, Turbogears, and WebWare.

4. Code walkthrough, Python tricks, lessons learned from some ugly and
   beautiful code I wrote for a client last spring and summer.

I could pull together number 4 for this month's meeting, but I'd be
happier for someone else who has been working on 1, 2 or 3, or 5
without my knowledge to give that presentation instead.



From high.res.mike at  Mon Jan 22 03:13:41 2007
From: high.res.mike at (Mike Pfaiffer)
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2007 02:13:41 -0600
Subject: [Python Wpg] Meeting on Wednesday
Message-ID: <>

	I may or may not be able to attend. Recovering from a "zombie" cold 
(programming, never mind thinking, is impossible at the moment). It'll 
be very close to the meeting date before I'll likely feel OK to leave 
the house. If I'm going to be there I'll be there early. If not, please 
express my regrets. Either way you'll have a good idea how many people 
are going to be there and if you want to move the meeting to a pub.


From stuartw at  Mon Jan 22 08:16:56 2007
From: stuartw at (Stuart Williams)
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2007 07:16:56 -0600
Subject: [Python Wpg] Topic and roll call for Wednesday's meeting
Message-ID: <>

Who else is planning to attend or not attend this Wednesday?  Shall I
prepare the topic I mentioned earlier?  (Code walkthrough, Python
tricks, lessons learned from some ugly and beautiful code I wrote for
a client last spring and summer.)  Shall we do some group planning
also or instead?


From syd at  Mon Jan 22 10:32:47 2007
From: syd at (Sydney Weidman)
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2007 09:32:47 -0600
Subject: [Python Wpg] Topic and roll call for Wednesday's meeting
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <1169479967.24331.7.camel@localhost.localdomain>

On Mon, 2007-01-22 at 07:16 -0600, Stuart Williams wrote:
> Who else is planning to attend or not attend this Wednesday?  Shall I
> prepare the topic I mentioned earlier?  (Code walkthrough, Python
> tricks, lessons learned from some ugly and beautiful code I wrote for
> a client last spring and summer.)  Shall we do some group planning
> also or instead?
> Stuart.

I'll be there. I am planning to give a presentation about Django, since
there seems to be interest, but I haven't really prepared enough at this
time to make the presentation worthwhile.

- Syd

From cjnelson at  Mon Jan 22 18:05:30 2007
From: cjnelson at (chris nelson)
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2007 17:05:30 -0600
Subject: [Python Wpg] Topic and roll call for Wednesday's meeting
In-Reply-To: <1169479967.24331.7.camel@localhost.localdomain>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I will try to be there as well. I had attended the first meeting but have not attended since. I am now in a new position and would like to get back into the python swing of things. As I said before I am new to Python, but excited to learn.

As well Syd, I understand you have been talking to Meagan Morash and/or Monique Pishak at Booth College regarding Plone. This is where I am working now and there is some definite interest in Plone and how it can benefit our organization.

If you have some time I would like to sit down over a coffee and discuss it with you.

Anyway, see you on Wednesday

Chris Nelson

----- Original Message -----
From: Sydney Weidman <syd at>
Date: Monday, January 22, 2007 9:32 am
Subject: Re: [Python Wpg] Topic and roll call for Wednesday's meeting

> On Mon, 2007-01-22 at 07:16 -0600, Stuart Williams wrote:
> > Who else is planning to attend or not attend this Wednesday?  
> Shall I
> > prepare the topic I mentioned earlier?  (Code walkthrough, Python
> > tricks, lessons learned from some ugly and beautiful code I 
> wrote for
> > a client last spring and summer.)  Shall we do some group planning
> > also or instead?
> > 
> > Stuart.
> I'll be there. I am planning to give a presentation about Django, 
> sincethere seems to be interest, but I haven't really prepared 
> enough at this
> time to make the presentation worthwhile.
> - Syd
> _______________________________________________
> Winnipeg mailing list
> Winnipeg at

From stuartw at  Tue Jan 23 08:11:43 2007
From: stuartw at (Stuart Williams)
Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2007 07:11:43 -0600
Subject: [Python Wpg] Wednesday's meeting
Message-ID: <>

I'll plan to present on the project I mentioned.  I expect it will be
30 to 45 minutes.  We'll also spend some time planning future


From aklaassen at  Tue Jan 23 20:48:50 2007
From: aklaassen at (Aaron Klaassen)
Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2007 19:48:50 -0600
Subject: [Python Wpg] Topic and roll call for Wednesday's meeting
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

I was *sure* that this month would be the month. The time I would finally
attend one of these meetings rather than just lurking on the mailing list.
"Hey Aaron, can you come in to work tomorrow evening?"

It's okay, I guess...I'd probably get lost in anything more complicated than
Hello World anyway. :P


On 1/22/07, chris nelson <cjnelson at> wrote:
> I will try to be there as well. I had attended the first meeting but have
> not attended since. I am now in a new position and would like to get back
> into the python swing of things. As I said before I am new to Python, but
> excited to learn.
> As well Syd, I understand you have been talking to Meagan Morash and/or
> Monique Pishak at Booth College regarding Plone. This is where I am working
> now and there is some definite interest in Plone and how it can benefit our
> organization.
> If you have some time I would like to sit down over a coffee and discuss
> it with you.
> Anyway, see you on Wednesday
> Sincerely
> Chris Nelson
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Sydney Weidman <syd at>
> Date: Monday, January 22, 2007 9:32 am
> Subject: Re: [Python Wpg] Topic and roll call for Wednesday's meeting
> > On Mon, 2007-01-22 at 07:16 -0600, Stuart Williams wrote:
> > > Who else is planning to attend or not attend this Wednesday?
> > Shall I
> > > prepare the topic I mentioned earlier?  (Code walkthrough, Python
> > > tricks, lessons learned from some ugly and beautiful code I
> > wrote for
> > > a client last spring and summer.)  Shall we do some group planning
> > > also or instead?
> > >
> > > Stuart.
> >
> > I'll be there. I am planning to give a presentation about Django,
> > sincethere seems to be interest, but I haven't really prepared
> > enough at this
> > time to make the presentation worthwhile.
> >
> > - Syd
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Winnipeg mailing list
> > Winnipeg at
> >
> >
> _______________________________________________
> Winnipeg mailing list
> Winnipeg at
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