From syd at  Fri Jun 22 11:43:00 2007
From: syd at (Sydney Weidman)
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2007 10:43:00 -0500
Subject: [Python Wpg] Next meeting reminder
Message-ID: <1182526980.3565.23.camel@localhost.localdomain>

Just a reminder that the next meeting of the Winnipeg Python Users Group
is going to be held at room 2M70, University of Winnipeg at 7:30 PM next
Wednesday (June 27th). 

This meeting's topic is "Batteries Included: A Tour of the Python
Library" and we need your help!! If you'd like to give a short (10 or 15
minute) presentation on one or two standard library modules, please sign
up by editing the Presenter Sign Up page:

or reply to the list with the module you intend to cover. Remember, it
doesn't have to be fancy, just a basic run-through of the module's use.

So far, only Jason Hildebrand and myself have signed up to give
presentations. Come on, pythonistas! There's lots more library to cover!


Room 2M70 is on the second floor of the University in Manitoba Hall.
>From the main doors in Centennial Hall, go up the escalator one floor,
take the first right through the archway into Manitoba Hall, then turn
left and proceed down the corridor. 2M70 will be on your right about 1/3
of the way down the corridor.

For those of you who would like to navigate via maps, here is the link
to follow:

See you there!

Syd Weidman

From hockeysk8 at  Mon Jun 25 03:14:11 2007
From: hockeysk8 at (Kevin J. Smith)
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2007 00:14:11 -0700
Subject: [Python Wpg] Looking for a python programmer with web (xhtml & css)
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>


I have previously posted on Craigslist for a python programmer but didn't
get much of a response.  Therefore I thought I might scare up some more
people on this list.  My apologies to anyone who thinks this isn't an
appropriate place to post for a Python programmer.

I am looking for someone that is proficient in python and web development
technologies such as xhtml, css, and javascript. You should have a good
grasp of object oriented design and some understanding of HTTP. You will be
revising an already completed web application that is built atop a python
web development framework similar to Django (it is an in-house framework
that I intend to release as open source once it is mature enough to avoid
ridicule!) The code needs to be ported due to changes in the underlying
framework and the fairly inefficient way that it was originally coded. You
will have to change a number of pages from some very old crufty nested
tables to css driven layout.

If you are interested please reply to me personally at kevin at
rootsmith.cawith your experience and expected compensation.  There is
somewhere between
one and two months worth of work.

-------------- next part --------------
An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
URL: <>

From jason at  Tue Jun 26 22:02:57 2007
From: jason at (Jason Hildebrand)
Date: Tue, 26 Jun 2007 22:02:57 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Python Wpg] Next meeting reminder
In-Reply-To: <1182526980.3565.23.camel@localhost.localdomain>
Message-ID: <6480220.5121182909777617.JavaMail.root@zimbra>

Hi folks,

It's great to see that several others have signed up for presenting on Batteries Included.  

I was really looking forward to presenting on a couple of modules and learning about others, but some things have piled up on me and I won't be able to attend after all.  

Sorry to have to back out on this.


Jason Hildebrand
PeaceWorks Computer Consulting
#2 - 396 Assiniboine Ave, Winnipeg
204 480 0314   --or--   519 725 7875, ext 620.

----- "Sydney Weidman" <syd at> wrote:
> Just a reminder that the next meeting of the Winnipeg Python Users
> Group
> is going to be held at room 2M70, University of Winnipeg at 7:30 PM
> next
> Wednesday (June 27th). 
> This meeting's topic is "Batteries Included: A Tour of the Python
> Library" and we need your help!! If you'd like to give a short (10 or
> 15
> minute) presentation on one or two standard library modules, please
> sign
> up by editing the Presenter Sign Up page:
> or reply to the list with the module you intend to cover. Remember,
> it
> doesn't have to be fancy, just a basic run-through of the module's
> use.
> So far, only Jason Hildebrand and myself have signed up to give
> presentations. Come on, pythonistas! There's lots more library to
> cover!
> Directions:
> Room 2M70 is on the second floor of the University in Manitoba Hall.
> >From the main doors in Centennial Hall, go up the escalator one
> floor,
> take the first right through the archway into Manitoba Hall, then
> turn
> left and proceed down the corridor. 2M70 will be on your right about
> 1/3
> of the way down the corridor.
> For those of you who would like to navigate via maps, here is the
> link
> to follow:
> See you there!
> Regards,
> Syd Weidman
> _______________________________________________
> Winnipeg mailing list
> Winnipeg at

From high.res.mike at  Thu Jun 28 01:05:05 2007
From: high.res.mike at (Mike Pfaiffer)
Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2007 00:05:05 -0500
Subject: [Python Wpg] Tested seed()
Message-ID: <>

	Here is some code.


from random import seed, randint

for c in range(10):
     print c,randint(1,10)

	Ran it twice under idle and the same results came out three times. 
Looks like it is best to run it without a value in seed().

	Here is what I got...

IDLE 1.2.1
 >>> ================================ RESTART 
0 10
1 10
2 1
3 1
4 9
5 8
6 7
7 4
8 7
9 7


From rick at  Thu Jun 28 01:12:26 2007
From: rick at (Richard Fillion)
Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2007 00:12:26 -0500
Subject: [Python Wpg] Tested seed()
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

You shouldn't pass a static value to a random seed generator.  Pass  
something that will change, such as the current time, or date, or ...  
anything not-constant.

Richard Fillion
e: rick at
p: 204.291.5800

On Jun 28, 2007, at 12:05 AM, Mike Pfaiffer wrote:

> 	Here is some code.
> #!/usr/bin/python
> from random import seed, randint
> seed(2)
> for c in range(10):
>      print c,randint(1,10)
> 	Ran it twice under idle and the same results came out three times.
> Looks like it is best to run it without a value in seed().
> 	Here is what I got...
> IDLE 1.2.1
>>>> ================================ RESTART
> ================================
> 0 10
> 1 10
> 2 1
> 3 1
> 4 9
> 5 8
> 6 7
> 7 4
> 8 7
> 9 7
> 				Later
> 				Mike
> _______________________________________________
> Winnipeg mailing list
> Winnipeg at

From high.res.mike at  Thu Jun 28 05:40:38 2007
From: high.res.mike at (Mike Pfaiffer)
Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2007 04:40:38 -0500
Subject: [Python Wpg] Tested seed()
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Richard Fillion wrote:
> You shouldn't pass a static value to a random seed generator.  Pass  
> something that will change, such as the current time, or date, or ...  
> anything not-constant.
> Richard Fillion
> e: rick at
> p: 204.291.5800

	We had a discussion about this at the meeting. If you leave out the "2" 
the seed is based on the system time. I was curious if putting a 
constant in the seed() function would return the same values each time 
it's run. Nobody knew for sure. Nobody caught anything in the 
documentation. Now we know.

	Historically there are only two random generators I've seen which "self 
seed". The first is the Apple// (which I discussed at the meeting) and 
the second is an *old* PC card which got its seed from the amount of 
static electricity in the air.


> On Jun 28, 2007, at 12:05 AM, Mike Pfaiffer wrote:
>> 	Here is some code.
>> #!/usr/bin/python
>> from random import seed, randint
>> seed(2)
>> for c in range(10):
>>      print c,randint(1,10)
>> 	Ran it twice under idle and the same results came out three times.
>> Looks like it is best to run it without a value in seed().
>> 	Here is what I got...
>> IDLE 1.2.1
>>>>> ================================ RESTART
>> ================================
>> 0 10
>> 1 10
>> 2 1
>> 3 1
>> 4 9
>> 5 8
>> 6 7
>> 7 4
>> 8 7
>> 9 7
>> 				Later
>> 				Mike
>> _______________________________________________
>> Winnipeg mailing list
>> Winnipeg at
> _______________________________________________
> Winnipeg mailing list
> Winnipeg at

From sara_arenson at  Thu Jun 28 10:18:00 2007
From: sara_arenson at (Sara Arenson)
Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2007 10:18:00 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: [Python Wpg] Tested seed()
In-Reply-To: <>
Message-ID: <>

If you pass nothing, i.e. just write seed(), it automatically uses system time.


--- Richard Fillion <rick at> wrote:

> You shouldn't pass a static value to a random seed generator.  Pass  
> something that will change, such as the current time, or date, or ...  
> anything not-constant.
> Richard Fillion
> e: rick at
> p: 204.291.5800
> On Jun 28, 2007, at 12:05 AM, Mike Pfaiffer wrote:
> > 	Here is some code.
> >
> > #!/usr/bin/python
> >
> > from random import seed, randint
> >
> > seed(2)
> > for c in range(10):
> >      print c,randint(1,10)
> >
> >
> > 	Ran it twice under idle and the same results came out three times.
> > Looks like it is best to run it without a value in seed().
> >
> > 	Here is what I got...
> >
> > IDLE 1.2.1
> >>>> ================================ RESTART
> > ================================
> >>>>
> > 0 10
> > 1 10
> > 2 1
> > 3 1
> > 4 9
> > 5 8
> > 6 7
> > 7 4
> > 8 7
> > 9 7
> >>>>
> >
> > 				Later
> > 				Mike
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > Winnipeg mailing list
> > Winnipeg at
> >
> >
> _______________________________________________
> Winnipeg mailing list
> Winnipeg at

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From dave at  Thu Jun 28 10:42:38 2007
From: dave at (Dave Gabrielson)
Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2007 09:42:38 -0500
Subject: [Python Wpg] Tested seed()
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

Hmm... in the stock 2.4 python distribution, the random module is source code, 
which is always fun to look at.  :-)

It seems that seed() will use os.urandom(), if available, and will fallback to 
time.time() if that's not around.  It also seems like the module bootstraps 
itself with a class instance, which is how the module does self-seeding... 
which is almost always what you want (i.e., don't call seed(), it's already 
been done for you).  A reason you may want to call seed is: if you are 
developing a program that relies on randomly influenced (but still 
complicated) choices, and you wished to debug the non-random portion of the 
logic... In my experience, seed( 2 ) and the like will ALWAYS produce the 
same sequence of pseudo-random numbers, which is useful for testing 
(sometimes), be it in Pascal, C++ or Python.

--Dave .
(Currently working on pseudo-random meshing algorithms in python!)

On Thursday 28 June 2007 09:18, Sara Arenson wrote:
> If you pass nothing, i.e. just write seed(), it automatically uses system
> time.
> Sara

From jscrerar at  Fri Jun 29 14:00:06 2007
From: jscrerar at (Jim Crerar)
Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2007 12:00:06 -0600
Subject: [Python Wpg] Tested seed()
References: <>
Message-ID: <006701c7ba77$537687e0$3f0110ac@JIMandELSIE>


When doing simulations it is important that you use the same seed in order 
to acurately compare different alternatives.

Jim Crerar

From syd at  Fri Jun 29 18:12:28 2007
From: syd at (Sydney Weidman)
Date: Fri, 29 Jun 2007 17:12:28 -0500
Subject: [Python Wpg] Puzzled by traceback and pdb behaviour
Message-ID: <1183155149.14463.12.camel@localhost.localdomain>

Hi all!

I'm wondering if anyone has seen this and has a clue why it happens:

I'm debugging some errors in a ZopeTestCase test that I wrote, and in
the traceback that occurs (as well as in the interactive debugger), the
output lists a directory which was previously deleted, i.e.:

"/home/sweidman/Data/plone-2.5.2-instance/Products/CMFQuickInstallerTool/", line 322, in installProduct

the directory "plone-2.5.2-instance" was deleted long ago. During
interactive debugging using emacs, emacs cannot find some source files
because pdb tells emacs to look for the file in the non-existent
directory. Does anyone know why this occurs? Should I try removing some
relevant *.pyc files?

Thanks in advance for any thoughts on this.

Have a great Canada Day weekend!

- syd