From syd at Thu Mar 8 13:36:09 2007 From: syd at (Sydney Weidman) Date: Thu, 08 Mar 2007 12:36:09 -0600 Subject: [Python Wpg] Python test for DST correctness Message-ID: <1173378969.3228.51.camel@localhost.localdomain> Hi all! I thought I'd quickly try to whip something up in python that would test to see if the correct DST rules are in place, but I couldn't seem to get it to work properly. This test fails on platforms that have the correct timezone files in place and on those that don't. Does anyone have a suggestion for how to do this? I have included my tiny unittest that I thought would do it, but I've obviously made some incorrect assumption about how the Python datetime library works. I realize I could just do os.system('date -d "15 March") and check the output for CDT instead of CST, but I thought there would be a more Pythonic way to do it. Regards, Syd -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: Type: text/x-python Size: 553 bytes Desc: not available URL: <> From sweidman at Thu Mar 8 13:13:31 2007 From: sweidman at (Sydney Weidman) Date: Thu, 08 Mar 2007 12:13:31 -0600 Subject: [Python Wpg] [Fwd: announcing python bindings for GnuCash] Message-ID: <1173377611.3228.38.camel@localhost.localdomain> Congratulations to Mark Jenkins on getting this out! I look forward to being able to extend GnuCash using Python now. Regards, Syd -------------- next part -------------- An embedded message was scrubbed... From: Mark Jenkins <mark at> Subject: announcing python bindings for GnuCash Date: Wed, 07 Mar 2007 14:18:25 -0600 Size: 5087 URL: <> From mark at Thu Mar 8 15:41:43 2007 From: mark at (Mark Jenkins) Date: Thu, 08 Mar 2007 14:41:43 -0600 Subject: [Python Wpg] Python test for DST correctness In-Reply-To: <1173378969.3228.51.camel@localhost.localdomain> References: <1173378969.3228.51.camel@localhost.localdomain> Message-ID: <> from datetime import datetime from time import time SECONDS_PER_MINUTE = 60 MINUTES_PER_HOUR = 60 HOURS_PER_DAY=24 DAYS_AHEAD=8 now = time() later = now + \ SECONDS_PER_MINUTE*MINUTES_PER_HOUR*HOURS_PER_DAY*DAYS_AHEAD print datetime.fromtimestamp(now).hour print datetime.fromtimestamp(later).hour From syd at Tue Mar 27 17:23:54 2007 From: syd at (Sydney Weidman) Date: Tue, 27 Mar 2007 16:23:54 -0500 Subject: [Python Wpg] WinniPUG Meeting tomorrow!! Message-ID: <1175030634.3265.38.camel@wowhealth.localdomain> The monthly meeting of the Winnipeg Python Users Group takes place tomorrow (Wednesday, Mar 28) at 7:30 PM at Room 2M70 at the University of Winnipeg. This month's presentation will feature me (Syd) giving an introduction to the Django web application framework. For more information on Django, see You can find room 2M70 by going in the front doors of Centennial Hall (the brown building just down the main path from the "castle" Wesley Hall) up the escalator to the second floor. Go through the first hallway on your right, then turn left and room 2M70 should be the first or second door on your right. See you there! Regards, Syd Weidman