From brian at  Thu Sep 20 17:24:11 2012
From: brian at (Brian Curtin)
Date: Thu, 20 Sep 2012 21:24:11 -0000
Subject: [Python Wpg] PyCon 2013 Ticket Sales Have Begun!
Message-ID: <>

Hi Winnipeg Python Users Group!

The PyCon organizers are happy to announce that ticket sales for the March 2013 conference have opened at ! Early bird rates are available for the first 1000 purchases, which is a departure from previous time-based systems. With PyCon 2012 having been a quick sell out, we're expecting this one to be the same. Keep in mind that attendance is strictly limited to 2500.

PyCon 2013 is going back to Santa Clara, CA before heading up north for two years in Montreal, Quebec for 2014-15. The event starts with two days of tutorials on March 13, followed by three days of talks starting March 15, and ends with four days of sprints starting March 18.

Individual and corporate ticket prices remain the same as they have been for the last few years, with early bird rates of $300 and $450 respectively. The regular rates of $350 and $600 for individual and corporate are still an incredible deal.

For 2013 we've reduced the cost to students by 50%, bringing the early bird rate to $100 with a regular rate of $125. Providing a more affordable conference experience for students is a priority for the organizers and the Python Software Foundation, and we're hoping the decrease helps bring more of them out.

We've also increased our financial aid program, and hope to assist more attendees for PyCon 2013! You can apply for financial aid through the new consolidated form at

We're still accepting proposals for talks and tutorials, with a deadline of September 28. Poster proposals are accepted through January 15, 2013. For more information, see

If your company is interested in sponsorship, we need you. Sponsors are what make PyCon a possibility, and sponsorship offers some great values to the generous organizations who support the conference. Check out to find out what you get out of sponsorship, with a prospectus at Contact Jesse Noller at jnoller at with any sponsorship inquiries.

Keep an eye out for news on our blog at and follow us on twitter at

Jesse Noller, Chairman
jnoller at

Brian Curtin, Publicity Coordinator
brian at