From brian at  Mon Feb  3 11:13:13 2014
From: brian at (Brian Curtin)
Date: Mon, 03 Feb 2014 16:13:13 -0000
Subject: [Python Wpg] PyCon 2014 - 400 tickets remain!
Message-ID: <>

Hi Winnipeg Python Users Group!

PyCon 2014, taking place April 9-17 in Montreal, has just passed 1600 tickets sold, and we're seeing sales ramp up very quickly. Late last week we were announcing the 1500 mark, and with a cap of 2000 tickets, we expect these last four hundred to move quickly. Head to to buy yours today!

This year's talk schedule is available at, along with a keynote series including EFF co-founder John Perry Barlow; IPython creator, Fernando Perez; PSF director, Jessica McKellar; PSF chairman, Van Lindberg; and Python's creator, Guido van Rossum. The tutorial schedule is available at, and spaces are limited! You'd be hard pressed to find a better value than our tutorials.

We've long thought PyCon to be family friendly, and last year's "Young Coder" tutorials were a hugely successful step towards showing it. The tutorials are back again this year, with registration opening shortly for children 12 and over: For kids under 12, we're pleased to be offering childcare! See for details.

The 5K Charity Fun Run is on its third year, with proceeds benefiting the EFF. It's a fun time and supports a good cause. For the 5K and many other events, check out the Events section on

If you're planning your travel, take a look at, a train trip from Toronoto to Montreal. It's going to be awesome!

For the latest updates, follow us on Twitter at, and on our blog at

Hope to see you in Montreal!

Diana Clarke, Chair
diana.joan.clarke at

Brian Curtin, Publicity Coordinator
brian at

From mark at  Fri Feb 28 15:48:54 2014
From: mark at (Mark Jenkins)
Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2014 14:48:54 -0600
Subject: [Python Wpg] python progress lectures in Canadian Open Data
 Experience (CODE) hackathon
Message-ID: <>

I'm participating in the Canadian Open Data Experience (CODE) hackathon 
from 5pm today to 5pm Sunday.

Ignoring their suggestion to target smart phones, just doing this in old 
fashioned desktop python. (yeah, I know you can do Python on Android...)

At Skullspace (2nd floor, 374 Donald), I'm going to be giving three mini 
progress lectures showing what python has allowed me to do:

13:00 March 1st
21:00 March 1st
17:00 March 2nd

Last minute notice, sorry. "come on down".
