From kveroneau at  Wed Jan 22 15:17:35 2014
From: kveroneau at (Kevin Veroneau)
Date: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 14:17:35 -0600
Subject: [Python Wpg] Space to meet and hold Python classes
Message-ID: <>

Hello everyone,

  It's unfortunately been awhile since there has been any activity in this
mailing list.  I recently heard about and joined a local group called
SkullSpace, and they have a classroom area which the local PC Users group
and the PHP group hold classes and such in.  There are also lots of
individuals who are part of SkullSpace whom use Python, so I think it might
be an interesting place to utilize resources.  They have a classroom area
with seating up to 50, and a projector for presentations and talks.

  I was talking to them about holding a Python class of my own, as I have a
fair amount of experience under my belt now.  I'd highly recommend talking
with them about scheduling say a monthly Python meeting.  Here is their

  Of course if I plan on having any Python or Django classes at this
location, I'd be sure to let this mailing list know so that interested
parties can attend.
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From mark at  Fri Jan 24 16:19:59 2014
From: mark at (Mark Jenkins)
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 15:19:59 -0600
Subject: [Python Wpg] Python lectures at Canadian Open Data Experience
In-Reply-To: <>
References: <>
Message-ID: <>

You folks may be interested in my plans for the Canadian Open Data 
Experience hackathon, February 28th ? March 2nd. See my post on the 
Skullspace list below:

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [SkullSpace-Discuss] Canadian Open Data Experience Hackathon?
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 15:16:54 -0600
From: Mark Jenkins <mark at>
Reply-To: discuss at
To: discuss at

"""What platform(s) am I allowed to build for during the competition?

There are no restrictions in terms of platforms but we strongly
recommend you build your open data application in a way that is
accessible via mobile devices."""

I'm going to lead a different take on this. Depending on what they ask
me to do, the program I'm going to write and submit will target either:

* teletype (pure text or command line application), perhaps with .png
output files to file system if appropriate
* glass teletype (curses!)
[apologies to Adrian, but I'll be using a glass teletype emulator, e.g.


* or PC desktop (pygtk, available for systems with X and MS Windows)

Yeah, me the python lover could use the python for Android thingy and
the bindings that provides to the android GUI libs.

But screw that. Mobile devices, android included are personal tracking
that come loaded more and more with proprietary software.

And an ungodly number of them ship with unlockable bootloaders, which to
me is a great crime against hackerdom. Too many mobiles hackers are
putting in time trying to root these pieces of **** instead of
developing stuff on top of an open platform.

Instead of going for the win, I'm going make this a general purpose
python educational thing for Skullspace members where I will schedule
some progress lectures throughout the hackathon.

So for those of you looking to get some general /dive into python/
education -- here's your chance to get some with some real problem
domains and to see what can be written on short time lines.

I'm going to write my code with lecture clarity in mind instead of with
a race to the finish line mentality.

Anyone else into Python want to join my team?