From jessicaw at  Mon Aug 31 15:11:34 2015
From: jessicaw at (Jessica Watson)
Date: Mon, 31 Aug 2015 14:11:34 -0500
Subject: [Python Wpg] Fwd: LLC National Learn to Code Day - September 26th
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Hi Everyone!

Ladies Learning Code is back in action for the fall and we are kicking it
off with our annual National Learn to Code Day on September 26th with a
Python workshop! We are very excited to have Facebook as our national
sponsor of the event. They are helping us run it in a 'pay what you can'
model, spread the word to as many Canadians as possible, as well as helping
us stream the event live for folks at home.

Would you be able to share this with your networks? Maybe I'll even see you
there ;)

As always, we are looking for learners to take the workshop as well as
coding-familiar mentors to help out with tricky situations.

Here are the details:

*National Learn to Code Day: Data Insights with Python for Beginners - *

*When*: September 26th 2015 from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM
*Where*: The University of Manitoba - EITC E3-270
*Who*: 1,200+ adult learners will attend simultaneous workshops in 22
cities across Canada.

*What*: National Learn to Code Day with Ladies Learning Code.
*This year, in partnership with Facebook, Ladies Learning Code has set out
to teach learners 21st century digital skills and more specifically how to
unlock the power of data using python. In hands-on, beginner friendly
python workshops happening on this day across Canada, participants will
learn basic programming fundamentals and how to read and manipulate large
data sets, provided by the Government of Canada, to draw insights for
marketing and analysis. And, it will be fun! In Ladies Learning Code
fashion, over 300 volunteer expert developers will serve as mentors at each
workshop across Canada - a ratio of 4 learners to every mentor making the
learning environment perfect for absolute beginners.*

*National Learn to Code Day promotes digital literacy while helping
Canadian women skill-up on important 21st century skills. Since its
inception in 2011, Ladies Learning Code has held over 550 workshops and
events and reached over 22,000 learners across the country. In an effort to
increase digital literacy across Canada, there?s a way for every Canadian
to get involved in National Learn to Code Day. Help us make history! Join
us in this national movement to empower and equip women with important
technical skills to navigate our increasingly digital world.*

Get your tickets for this 'Pay What You Can' Workshop at eventbrite.

Thanks again for the help!

Jessica Watson
Ladies Learning Code - Winnipeg Co-Chapter Lead
jessicaw at

Upcoming workshops:
October  17th - Getting Started with WordPress + Blogging
November 7th - National Girls Learning Code Day - HTML and CSS for Beginners

 NLCD2015-Press Release Winnipeg
 National Learn to Code Day 2015 One Pager
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