[XML-SIG] Installing and Test xml-0.5pre2
Lars Marius Garshol
05 Dec 1998 22:33:42 +0100
* Dave Kuhlman
| A comment on SAX drivers -- Are all the files in
| site-packages/xml/SAX/drivers that begin with "drv_" supposed to be
| SAX drivers?
Yes, although drv_xmltok is for XMLTok (the older version of expat).
The rest are common libraries shared between different drivers.
| There were several that didn't work when I gave them as arguments to
| saxtimer.py. Testing on WinNT 4.0, now. Specifically I got the
| error message "ERROR: Parser not available" when I tried to use:
| xmltoolkit
| xmldc
| sgmlop
| pyexpat
Well, you need to have the parsers installed. They work for me, but if
they don't for you I'm very interested in hearing about it. Could you
check if they're installed so you can load the parser from the command
line and let me know how it works out?
| I can't get pyexpat to load. This fails in demo/quotes/qtfmt.py and
| demo/sax/saxtimer.py. I'm guessing that it has something to do with
| my path or PYTHONPATH, but I have not figured out what. I have to
| spend more time looking at rec_find_module in saxexts.py, I suppose.
Try importing it from the command-line. If that works and
rec_find_module does not, then please send me a bug report and I'll
fix it.
(Oh, and thanks for giving us some feedback.)
--Lars M.