[XML-SIG] Whitespace stripping functions
A.M. Kuchling
Tue, 8 Dec 1998 22:48:56 -0500
I've added a dom.utils module for small utility functions for the DOM
and plan to check it into the CVS tree. cvs.python.org is
inaccessible for some reason, so a copy is appended below.
It implements tree_print(), strip_whitespace(), and
collapse_whitespace(). tree_print() is intended for debugging, and
returns a string showing the tree structure of a DOM subtree.
strip_whitespace() removes leading/trailing/both whitespace in-place
from a DOM tree, and collapse_whitespace() folds runs of whitespace
into a single space.
Comments, suggestions?
A.M. Kuchling http://starship.skyport.net/crew/amk/
I spent a busy day today, but got little done. This is because I am at last
becoming perfect in the art of seeming busy, even when very little is going on
in my head or under my hands. This is an art which every man learns, if he
does not intend to work himself to death.
-- Robertson Davies, _The Table Talk of Samuel Marchbanks_
# utils.py
import re
from xml.dom import core
# Various utility functions that are often handy.
def tree_print(node, indent = 0):
"""Print a representation of a tree that makes the tree structure explicit.
Intended mostly for debugging use, so it's a lossy printout."""
s = indent*' ' + repr(node) + '\n'
for n in node.get_childNodes():
s = s + tree_print(n, indent + 2)
return s
# this should grow up into a general-purpose whitespace post-processor,
# options to include:
# - whether to strip (s/\s+//) or collapse (s/\s+/ /)
# - where to do it: head, tail, or interior of text nodes, or
# all-whitespace nodes only
# Initial implementation by Greg Ward; modified and collapse_whitespace added
# by AMK.
import string
strip_func = {WS_LEFT: string.lstrip,
WS_BOTH: string.strip,
WS_RIGHT: string.rstrip }
collapse_pat = {WS_LEFT: '^\s+',
WS_BOTH: '(^\s+)|(\s+$)',
WS_RIGHT: '\s+$',
def strip_whitespace (node, func = WS_BOTH):
"""Remove leading and/or trailing whitespace from a DOM tree.
node -- top node; its subtree will be traversed
func -- one of WS_LEFT, WS_RIGHT, WS_BOTH telling which whitespace to strip
if func == WS_INTERNAL:
raise ValueError, "WS_INTERNAL not acceptable value for strip_whitespace()"
func = strip_func[func]
if node.nodeType == core.DOCUMENT_NODE:
node = node.documentElement
stack = [node]
while (stack):
# get the top node from the stack
node = stack[-1]
# XXX a general-purpose "visit" operation could go right here
# walk this node's list of children, deleting those that are
# all whitespace and saving the rest to be pushed onto the stack
children = []
for child in node.childNodes[:] :
if child.nodeType == core.TEXT_NODE:
orig = child.get_nodeValue()
v = func( orig )
if v == "":
node.removeChild (child)
elif v != orig:
child.set_nodeValue( v )
elif child.hasChildNodes():
children.append (child)
stack[-1:] = children
# end: while stack not empty
# end strip_whitespace
def collapse_whitespace (node, func = WS_BOTH):
"""Collapse runs of whitespace down to a single space.
node -- top node; its subtree will be traversed
func -- one of WS_LEFT, WS_RIGHT, WS_BOTH, WS_INTERNAL telling which
whitespace should be collapsed.
pat = collapse_pat[ func ]
pat = re.compile( pat )
if node.nodeType == core.DOCUMENT_NODE:
node = node.documentElement
stack = [node]
while (stack):
# get the top node from the stack
node = stack[-1]
# XXX a general-purpose "visit" operation could go right here
# walk this node's list of children, deleting those that are
# all whitespace and saving the rest to be pushed onto the stack
children = []
for child in node.childNodes[:] :
if child.nodeType == core.TEXT_NODE:
orig = child.get_nodeValue()
v = pat.sub(' ', orig)
if v != orig:
child.set_nodeValue( v )
elif child.hasChildNodes():
children.append (child)
stack[-1:] = children
# end: while stack not empty
# end collapse_whitespace