[XML-SIG] WDDX for Python
Gabe Wachob
Thu, 17 Dec 1998 13:12:18 -0800 (PST)
On Thu, 17 Dec 1998, Jeremy Allaire wrote:
> Gabe-
> This is awsome! Lovin support for Python in the mix. Is there anything we
> can do to help solve problems on the serialization side?
Well, I wonder aloud whether its possible (or worth attempting) to write a
serializer for arbitrary python objects. What is the approach taken in
other languages? I have not looked at much WDDX stuff besides the DTD..
(in fact, the first time I had ever looked at the WDDX stuff for more than
a minute was when I sat down to write the Deserializer).
Also, I'm not sure what sort of Python objects or data types would map to
a timeDate WDDX element.
I'm thinking that the best thing to do would be to create a WDDXCreator
object that would work on WDDXObjects (ie WDDXStruct, WDDXdateTime, etc).
I don't know -- looking at how other languages like Java do it would be
> Also, you should
> drop a note to Nate Weiss (nweiss@icesinc.com) who is the creator of the SDK
> so he can include your bits and build some samples off of it.
> Also, FYI, PCWeek just ran a story on WDDX:
> http://www.zdnet.com/pcweek/stories/news/0,4153,380476,00.html
I actually have no immediate use for WDDX, nor any past experience in it.
I've recently been getting into XML using Python and your message to
XML-SIG (the Python XML SIG list) was timed perfectly for a "Gee, that
looks like a cool thing to play around with" project... Turns out that
Python is such a cool language that it only took an hour or so to write...
> Thanks and regards,
> Jeremy
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Gabe Wachob <gwachob@aimnet.com>
> To: Jeremy Allaire <jeremy@allaire.com>
> Cc: 'xml-sig@python.org' <xml-sig@python.org>; Simeon Simeonov
> <simeons@allaire.com>
> Date: Tuesday, December 15, 1998 7:15 PM
> Subject: Re: [XML-SIG] WDDX for Python
> >Hi folks-
> > In response to this request, I put together a Deserializer (there
> >are some issues in serializing that I didn't want to address yet) for WDDX
> >data into a python object.
> >
> > One question I had is this:
> >
> >In the DTD, you show that a data element can contain one or more of any of
> >the data types plus recordset/struct/array. Does this mean that this is a
> >valid XML fragment:
> >
> ><data>
> ><number>43</number>
> ><struct>
> >...
> ></struct>
> ></data>
> >
> >I made the assumption that is was, so in my deserialization, I create an
> >object WDDXObject which contains an array items -- in the previous case
> >the array would contain a number as its first element, and the struct
> >object (WDDXStruct) as its second element.
> >
> >If data has more than one child, then how do you refer to each child if
> >you don't implement the deserialization the way I do with an array as the
> >"top level" child of the deserialized object (I ask because I didn't want
> >to do it this way, but I couldn't think of another simple way of doing
> >it). What if you have two structs with two element variables with the same
> >name?
> >
> >So, anyway, my deserializer fully implements the DTD and the spec as far
> >as I understand it. It does not parse the timeDate type (I could throw it
> >in a wrapper object with nice methods and all).
> >
> >The URL is http://www.aimnet.com/~gwachob/software.html
> >
> >It uses my current rev of my DOMVisitor.py Everything is not well tested,
> >and in fact, may not be the most efficient. However, here it is...
> >
> > -Gabe
> >
> >On Sun, 13 Dec 1998, Jeremy Allaire wrote:
> >
> >> Hello folks-
> >>
> >> I'm interesting in engaging anyone/everyone from the Python community to
> >> work with us on a WDDX platform module for Python. With the help of a
> few
> >> developers, we've been able to muster/ship WDDX modules for ASP/COM,
> Java,
> >> ColdFusion, Perl and JavaScript, and would love to see a Python
> >> implementation.
> >>
> >> Given the recent XML release for Python, seems like it would be a great
> >> project to make cross-language distributed web applications even more
> >> possible.
> >>
> >> Take a visit to www.WDDX.org, and most importantly take a view of the
> SDK,
> >> developed by Nate Weiss, which brings it all together with all of the
> above
> >> languages.
> >>
> >> Best and regards,
> >> Jeremy Allaire
> >>
> >> _______________________________________________
> >> XML-SIG maillist - XML-SIG@python.org
> >> http://www.python.org/mailman/listinfo/xml-sig
> >>
> >
> >-------------------------------------------------------------------
> >http://www.aimnet.com/~gwachob http://www.findlaw.com
> >"A popular Government, without popular information, or the means of
> >acquiring it, is but a Prologue to a Farce or a Tragedy; or perhaps
> >both." -- James Madison
> > import std.disclaimer
> >
> >
> _______________________________________________
> XML-SIG maillist - XML-SIG@python.org
> http://www.python.org/mailman/listinfo/xml-sig
http://www.aimnet.com/~gwachob http://www.findlaw.com
"A popular Government, without popular information, or the means of
acquiring it, is but a Prologue to a Farce or a Tragedy; or perhaps
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