[XML-SIG] Open issues: Namespaces and Unicode
Sjoerd Mullender
Fri, 18 Dec 1998 13:11:07 +0100
On Thu, Dec 17 1998 "Fred L. Drake" wrote:
> > 2) Namespace support.
In my private version of xmllib I have support for XML namespaces. I
haven't submitted this version to Guido yet for several reasons:
- The namespace support (at least for the current namespace proposal)
is very new (like 1 day).
- My current version isn't compatible with the old version that is in
the Python core.
- I haven't documented the new interface yet.
Is anybody interested in taking a look at my new version anyway?
The most important API changes are:
- I don't look look to see if there any methods with a name matching
start_TAG end end_TAG since TAG can contain characters that aren't
allowed in Python identifiers. Instead I look in a dicionary that
maps tag names to start and end methods.
- You can specify the valid attributes and default values for all
elements. The way this is done has also changed.
-- Sjoerd Mullender <Sjoerd.Mullender@cwi.nl>