[XML-SIG] Putting the pieces together...

Daniel Biddle djad022@uce.ac.uk
Tue, 26 May 1998 12:51:32 +0100 (BST)

Lars Marius Garshol wrote:
> * Andrew Kuchling
> | 
> | Should Canonizer be renamed to Canonicalizer?
> Possibly. Someone who knows English a little better than me can
> perhaps tell us what the correct form is?

Here's what WWWebster (<URL:http://www.m-w.com/>) has to say:

| Main Entry: can7on7ize
| Pronunciation: 'ka-n&-"nIz
| Function: transitive verb
| Inflected Form(s): can7on7ized /-"nIzd; in "Hamlet" usually k&-'nd-"nIzd/;
|	can7on7iz7ing
| Etymology: Middle English, from Medieval Latin canonizare, from Late Latin
|	canon catalog of saints, from Latin, standard
| Date: 14th century
| 1 : to declare (a deceased person) an officially recognized saint
| 2 : to make canonical
| 3 : to sanction by ecclesiastical authority
| 4 : to attribute authoritative sanction or approval to
| 5 : to treat as illustrious, preeminent, or sacred
| - can7on7i7za7tion /"ka-n&-n&-'zA-sh&n/ noun 

Meaning 2 is obviously the one we want. Have any of the others been
implemented in software? B-)

There's no entry for 'canonicalize', but I also found

| Main Entry: canonical form
| Function: noun
| Date: 1851
| : the simplest form of something; [...]

Let's keep names in their simplest forms: less typing!

Daniel Biddle         | M a i l - i n   B l o c k |
2nd year BSc (Hons)   | ------------------------- |
Software Engineering  | protecting your mail from |
... pedant and lurker | the spam of the universe! |