[XML-SIG] Marshalling to XML, again
A.M. Kuchling
Sun, 6 Sep 1998 10:43:26 -0400
Here's another version of the xml.marshal module. (That name will
have to be changed now, though, since xml.marshal uses Python's
original marshal to handle code objects. Any suggestions?)
For example, take the recursive list produced by this code:
recursive_list = [None, 1, pow(3,65L), '<fake tag>', 1+5j]
recursive_list.append( recursive_list )
Here's the marshalled version (pretty-printed; the module just
produces one long line):
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE marshal SYSTEM "marshal.dtd">
<list id="i135737736">
<string><fake tag></string>
<reference id="i135737736"/>
The DTD for the marshalling format is available as the __dtd__
attribute of the module; does this seem like a useful convention for
future modules? Comments on the code, DTD, etc. are welcome.
There's been some discussion of marshalling scripting language data
types on the Casbah list and on the Perl-XML list recently; Dave
Winer's suggestion for XML-RPC bears some relation to this. It would
be very useful if some common DTD was agreed upon, which would allow
painlessly exchanging data between Python and Perl, Frontier, or
whatever. (However, I lack the time to read all the relevant mailing
lists and agitate for a specification.)
If no such common DTD arises, is this module still useful, and should
it be included?
A.M. Kuchling http://starship.skyport.net/crew/amk/
In a modern university if you ask for knowledge they will provide it in almost
any form -- though if you ask for out-of-fashion things they may say, like the
people in shops, "Sorry, there's no call for it."
-- Robertson Davies, _The Rebel Angels_
# xml.marshal : Marshals simple Python data types into an XML-based
# format. The interface is the same as the built-in module of the
# same name, with four functions:
# dump(value, file), load(file)
# dumps(value), loads(string)
from types import *
import string
__dtd__ = """
<!ELEMENT marshal (integer | string | float | long | complex | code | none
| tuple | list | dictionary)>
<!ELEMENT reference EMPTY>
<!ELEMENT integer (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT string (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT float (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT complex (float, float)>
<!ELEMENT tuple (integer | string | float | long | complex | code | none
| tuple | list | dictionary | reference)*>
<!ELEMENT list (integer | string | float | long | complex | code | none
| tuple | list | dictionary | reference)*>
<!ELEMENT dictionary (
(integer | string | long | float | complex | code | tuple | reference ),
(integer | string | float | long | complex | code | none
| tuple | list | dictionary | reference) )* >
<!ATTLIST dictionary id ID #REQUIRED>
# Dictionary mapping some of the simple types to the corresponding tag
_mapping = {StringType:'string', IntType:'integer',
# XML version and DOCTYPE declaration
PROLOGUE = """<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE marshal SYSTEM "marshal.dtd">
def _marshal(value, dict):
L = []
t = type(value) ; i = str( id(value) )
if dict.has_key( i ):
# This object has already been marshalled, so
# emit a reference element.
L.append( '<reference id="i%s"/>' % (i, ) )
elif _mapping.has_key( t ):
# Some simple type: integer, string, or float
name = _mapping[t]
L.append( '<'+name + '>')
s = str(value)
if '&' in s or '>' in s or '<' in s:
s = string.replace(s, '&', '&')
s = string.replace(s, '<', '<')
s = string.replace(s, '>', '>')
L.append( s )
L.append( '</' + name + '>')
elif t == LongType:
L.append('<long>%s</long>' % (str(value)[:-1],) )
elif t == TupleType:
L.append( '<tuple>')
for elem in value:
L = L + _marshal(elem, dict)
L.append( '</tuple>')
elif t == ListType:
dict[ i ] = 1
L.append( '<list id="i%s">' %(i,) )
for elem in value:
L = L + _marshal(elem, dict)
L.append( '</list>')
elif t == DictType:
dict[ i ] = 1
L.append( '<dictionary id="i%s">' %(i,) )
for key, v in value.items():
L = L + _marshal(key, dict)
L = L + _marshal(v, dict)
L.append( '</dictionary>')
elif t == NoneType:
L.append( '<none/>')
elif t == ComplexType:
# XXX should it be <complex><real>...</real><imag>...</imag></complex>?
L.append( '<complex><float>' )
L.append( str(value.real) )
L.append( '</float><float>' )
L.append( str(value.imag) )
L.append( '</float>' )
L.append( '</complex>' )
elif t == CodeType:
# The full information about code objects is only available
# from the C level, so we'll use the built-in marshal module
# to convert the code object into a string, and include it in
# the HTML.
import marshal, base64
L.append( '<code>' )
s = marshal.dumps(value)
s = base64.encodestring(s)
L.append( s )
L.append( '</code>' )
dict[ i ] = 'code'
return L
from xml.sax import saxlib
DICT = 'dict' ; LIST = 'list' ; TUPLE='tuple'
class _unmarshalHandler(saxlib.HandlerBase):
def __init__(self):
def startElement(self, name, attrs):
if name == 'marshal':
self.dict = {}
self.data_stack = []
elif name == 'reference':
assert attrs.has_key('id')
id = attrs['id']
assert self.dict.has_key(id)
self.data_stack.append( self.dict[id] )
if name=='dictionary':
d = {}
id = attrs[ 'id']
self.dict[ id ] = d
self.data_stack.append( d )
elif name=='list':
L = []
id = attrs[ 'id']
self.dict[ id ] = L
self.data_stack.append( L )
elif name=='tuple':
self.data_stack.append( [] )
def characters(self, ch, start, length):
def endElement(self, name):
ds = self.data_stack
if name == 'string':
ds[-1] = string.join(ds[-1], "")
elif name == 'integer':
ds[-1] = string.join(ds[-1], "")
ds[-1] = string.atoi( ds[-1] )
elif name == 'long':
ds[-1] = string.join(ds[-1], "")
ds[-1] = string.atol( ds[-1] )
elif name == 'float':
ds[-1] = string.join(ds[-1], "")
ds[-1] = string.atof( ds[-1] )
elif name == 'none':
ds[-1] = None
elif name == 'complex':
c = ds[-2] + ds[-1]*1j
ds[-3:] = [c]
elif name == 'code':
import marshal, base64
s = string.join(ds[-1], "")
s = base64.decodestring( s )
ds[-1] = marshal.loads(s)
elif name == 'dictionary':
for index in range(len(ds)-1, -1, -1):
if ds[index] is DICT: break
assert index!=-1
d = ds[index+1]
for i in range(index+2, len(ds), 2):
key = ds[i] ; value =ds[i+1]
d[key] = value
ds[index:] = [ d ]
elif name == 'list':
for index in range(len(ds)-1, -1, -1):
if ds[index] is LIST: break
assert index!=-1
L = ds[index+1]
L[:] = ds[index+2 : len(ds)]
ds[index:] = [ L ]
elif name == 'tuple':
for index in range(len(ds)-1, -1, -1):
if ds[index] is TUPLE: break
assert index!=-1
t = tuple( ds[index+1 : len(ds)] )
ds[index:] = [ t ]
def dump(value, file):
"Write the value on the open file"
L = _marshal(value, {} )
L = [PROLOGUE + '<marshal>'] + L + ['</marshal>']
file.write( string.join(L, "") )
def load(file):
"Read one value from the open file"
h = _unmarshalHandler()
from xml.sax import saxexts
return h.data_stack[0]
def dumps(value):
"Marshal value, returning the resulting string"
L = _marshal(value, {} )
L = [PROLOGUE + '<marshal>'] + L + ['</marshal>']
return string.join(L, "")
def loads(string):
"Read one value from the string"
import StringIO
file = StringIO.StringIO(string)
return load(file)
if __name__ == '__main__':
print "Testing XML marshalling..."
L=[None, 1, pow(2,123L), 19.72, 1+5j,
"here is a string & a <fake tag> ",
['alpha', 'beta', 'gamma'],
{'key':'value', 1:2},
dumps.func_code ]
# Try all the above bits of data
import StringIO
for item in L + [ L ]:
s = dumps(item)
print s
output = loads(s)
# Try it from a file
file = StringIO.StringIO()
dump(item, file)
output2 = load(file)
print repr(item), s
assert item==output and item==output2 and output==output2
recursive_list = [None, 1, pow(3,65L), '<fake tag>', 1+5j]
recursive_list.append( recursive_list )
s = dumps(recursive_list)
print s
output = loads(s)
print repr(output)