[XML-SIG] XBEL DTD as a meta-dtd
Geir Ove Gronmo
Wed, 16 Sep 1998 16:46:50 +0200
At 10:14 16.09.98 -0400, you wrote:
>Fred L. Drake writes:
>> I don't think the proposed DTD is too complicated, but it probably
>>shouldn't get much more complicated. Jack's "pass" element makes
>>sense and should be added since it directly related to bookmark
>>management within applications like Grail.
> I was agreeing more with Greg's reaction to turning it into a
All DTDs can be meta-DTDs (architectural DTDs). The complexity of the DTD
doesn't really matter. The only thing that might be "harder" - is the
mapping from the instance (which is to be architecturally processed) to the
So whether anybody calls XBEL a meta-dtd, or not, doesn't matter.
Geir O.
================== Geir Ove Grønmo ==================
| STEP Infotek as, Gjerdrumsvei 12, 0486 Oslo, Norway |
| grove@infotek.no http://www.infotek.no/ |