[XML-SIG] Future plans
Mon, 27 Dec 1999 09:19:09 -0700
> Uche Ogbuji:
> > I'll be straightforward: I haven't heard of any other serious use of 4DOM
> > besides our internal uses. I know of several small-scale, and incidental
> > cases, but nothing more. This could be because of 4DOM's youth, because it
> > changes so often, because DOM is so inevitable unpythonic, or because it is of
> > poor quality. Whatever the reason, I don't expect that you'll hear from a
> > large chorus of major 4DOM users.
Paul Prescod:
> In my case it is because:
> * I got PyDOM "for free" with the rest of the XML-SIG's package
> * Historically, PyDOM has been much easier to install.
> * I have had no need for PyDOM's extra features.
> * I actually use groves more than the DOM.
Well, this is good to know. Note that 4DOM is now almost as easy to install
as PyDOM (just untar/unzip to your PYTHONPATH both 4Suite-base and 4DOM),
although you have already noted the platform-bias of 4XSLT and 4XPath, which
we expect to address in a few weeks by distributing Windows binaries.
Other than that, your reasons are, I expect, typical (besides the groves
part). If 4DOM does become the core Python DOM I expect its use to increase
quite a bit.
Uche Ogbuji
FourThought LLC, IT Consultants
uche.ogbuji@fourthought.com (970)481-0805
Software engineering, project management, Intranets and Extranets
http://FourThought.com http://OpenTechnology.org