[XML-SIG] Re: XML-SIG digest, Vol 1 #331 - 3 msgs
Thomas B. Passin
Thu, 15 Jul 1999 08:26:28 -0400
-----Original Message-----
From: xml-sig-admin@python.org <xml-sig-admin@python.org>
To: xml-sig@python.org <xml-sig@python.org>
Date: Wednesday, July 14, 1999 3:11 AM
Subject: XML-SIG digest, Vol 1 #331 - 3 msgs
>Send XML-SIG mailing list submissions to
> xml-sig@python.org
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> http://www.python.org/mailman/listinfo/xml-sig
>or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
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>You can reach the person managing the list at
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>When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific than
>"Re: Contents of XML-SIG digest..."
>Today's Topics:
> 1. XML-DOM slow? (Mordy Ovits)
> 2. "&" and "<" within a string (wask@mcc.com)
> 3. Re: "&" and "<" within a string (Lars Marius Garshol)
>Message: 1
>Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 12:23:56 -0400
>From: Mordy Ovits <movits@lockstar.com>
>Organization: LockStar
>To: xml-sig@python.org
>Subject: [XML-SIG] XML-DOM slow?
>I've been playing around with the XML libraries, to great effect. I
>can't believe how useful it is. However, it seems to be very slow.
>The (short) program at the bottom of this email takes about 10 seconds
>to run!
>What am I doing wrong? Am I defaulting to a slow parser?
>from xml.dom.html_builder import HtmlBuilder
>import urllib
>from sys import argv
>s = urllib.urlopen(argv[1])
>htmlstr = s.read()
>b = HtmlBuilder()
>b.ignore_mismatched_end_tags = 1
>doc = b.document
>anchors = doc.getElementsByTagName('A')
>for a in anchors:
> if a._node.attributes.has_key("HREF"):
> href = a._node.attributes["HREF"]
> print "Title: ", a._node.children[0].value
> print "Link: ", href.children[0].value
> print
> else:
> print "error in <A> (?)"
> print a._node.attributes
>o Mordy Ovits
>o Cryptographic Engineer
>o LockStar Inc.
>from sys import*;from string import*;a=argv;[s,p,q]=filter(lambda
>while s:s=stdin.read(inb);s and map(stdout.write,map(lambda
>lambda x,y:(x<<8L)+y,map(ord,s)),e,n):chr(b>>8*i&255),range(o-1,-1,-1)))
>Message: 2
>From: wask@mcc.com
>Reply-To: <wask@mcc.com>
>To: "'XML SIG'" <xml-sig@python.org>
>Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1999 14:32:30 -0500
>Subject: [XML-SIG] "&" and "<" within a string
>saxlib is throwing exceptions when I use "&" and "<" literally within an
>attribute value of type string, as it should.
>For example,
> <tag> name= "R&D library" value="<ROOT>/lib" />
>The XML spec says to use "&" and "<" when used literally in string.
>However, if I define
> <tag> name= "R&D library" value="<ROOT>/lib" />
>I still get an exception (apparently, the parser accepts the ">" and "/").
>Am I interpreting the spec correctly? Any suggestions?
>Message: 3
>To: "'XML SIG'" <xml-sig@python.org>
>Subject: Re: [XML-SIG] "&" and "<" within a string
>From: Lars Marius Garshol <larsga@ifi.uio.no>
>Date: 13 Jul 1999 21:47:43 +0200
>* wask@mcc.com
>| saxlib is throwing exceptions when I use "&" and "<" literally
>| within an attribute value of type string, as it should.
>The first thing to realize is that it's not saxlib that does this, but
>whichever parser you are using.
>| However, if I define
>| <tag> name= "R&D library" value="<ROOT>/lib" />
>| I still get an exception (apparently, the parser accepts the ">" and
>| "/").
>| Am I interpreting the spec correctly? Any suggestions?
>What is the exact error message? Where in the document is it thrown?
>And what does your document really look like? (The example above seems
>to have some non-fatal typos.)
>Sorry to be so unhelpful, but I found this message impossible to
>--Lars M.
>End of XML-SIG Digest