[XML-SIG] [CFP:] OOPSLA'99 Workshop

Jean-Michel BRUEL Jean-Michel.Bruel@univ-pau.fr
Thu, 22 Jul 1999 11:20:00 +0200 (MET DST)

[apologies if you receive multiple copies of this announcement]

                               Call for Papers

                            OOPSLA'99 Workshop on 

             Rigorous Modeling and Analysis with the UML: Challenges
             			and Limitations
             			Workshop #23

                               DENVER, COLORADO

                          Tuesday, November 2nd, 1999

                 workshop website: http://www.univ-pau.fr/OOPSLA99

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The UML is a standard object modeling language that is 
targeted at large, complex systems. The high quality experiences 
embedded in the UML certainly makes
its application to complex systems desirable, but the lack of precise
semantics that support rigorous semantic analyses can limit its effectiveness.
The modeling of complex systems requires the use of 
modeling constructs that provide complexity management mechanisms and that
allow for the early detection of errors in requirements and designs.
The separation of views principle has proven to be an effective means of
controlling complexity and is well-supported by the UML. On the other hand,
the formality and rigor principle that facilitates the detection of errors in
requirements and designs is not well-supported in the UML.

The purpose of the proposed workshop is to bring together 
researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to 
discuss the semantic foundations of the UML as described in 
the OMG-UML documentation (current version is 1.3).
Presentations and discussions will focus on identifying deficiencies
in the UML semantics foundation, analyzing proposed approaches
to addressing the deficiencies, understanding UML limitations and
identifying the challenges that will have to be met in making the
UML a rigorous modeling notation. Particular attention will be paid
to the meta-modeling approach to semantics and to the OCL.

The workshop topics include:
* Semantic foundations for UML static and dynamic models
* Use of meta-models to express semantics
* Semantic foundations for the OCL
* Using the OCL to support rigorous reasoning
* UML support for rigorous development of software (including
support for the use of software architectures and frameworks)

This workshop is the second of a planned series of workshops on
strengthening the UML semantic foundation. The first workshop was
held at ECOOP'99 (see
The first workshop focused primarily on the utility of having precise
semantics. In the OOPSLA'99 workshop the focus will be on the semantic
foundations of the UML notations.

The workshop will consist mainly of working groups that
focus on a specific problem. There will be at least three invited
presentations that highlight UML deficiencies and proposed development
paths for the UML. The presentations, given in the first
hour of the workshop, will provide some of the
context for much of the discussions in the working groups. The
working groups will be determined by the submissions to the workshop
and will be announced at least 1 week before the workshop starts. 

Attendance will be by invitation only. If you would like to be considered 
for participation you are asked to prepare a statement outlining your
perception of the UML semantics and the use of the UML for
rigorous modeling. Statements on the following topics are especially
(1) deficiencies in the UML semantics, 
(2) expressing semantics using meta-models, 
(3) OCL semantics, 
(4) analysis of OCL expressions (including
proposals for automated support for analysis), 
(5) using the UML for rigorous specification and analysis, 
(6) providing automated support for rigorous analysis of UML models.

Send submissions via email to oopsla99@in.tum.de. Submissions
should not exceed 2 pages (10 pt., single space) and
should be in one of the following formats:
* Plain text
* Postscript
* .pdf formats
Accepted submissions will be placed on the workshop website 

Submission deadline:     September 10th, 1999
Notification date:       October 1st, 1999
Workshop date:           November 2nd, 1999

This workshop is organized by members the Precise UML (pUML) group

Workshop Coordinators
Robert France, Organizing Chair
Department of Computer Science
Colorado State University 
Fort Collins, CO 80523-1873.
phone: 970-491-6356 
fax: 970-491-2466
Email: france@cs.colostate.edu

Bernhard Rumpe, Program Co-Chair 
Faculty for Computer Science
Technische Universität München 
D-80333 Munich, Germany.
Phone:   +49 -89 -289-28129
Fax:     +49 -89 -289-28183
Email:  rumpe@in.tum.de

Brian Henderson-Sellers, Program Co-Chair
Director, Centre for Object Technology Applications and Research
    and Professor of Information Systems 
School of Computing Sciences 
University of Technology, Sydney, Australia.
phone: +61 (0)2 9514 1687
fax: +61 (0)2 9514 1807
Email: brian@socs.uts.edu.au

Jean-Michel Bruel, Publicity Chair & On-site Coordinator
Laboratoire T.A.S.C. 
Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour 
F-64000 Pau, France. 
phone: +33(0) 
fax: +33(0)
Email: Jean-Michel.Bruel@univ-pau.fr

Ana Moreira, On-site Coordinator
Departamento de Informática
Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologia
Universidade Nova de Lisboa
2825 Monte da Caparica, Portugal
phone: +351-1-294 85 36 Ext. 0716 
fax: +351-1-294 85 41
email: amm@di.fct.unl.pt