[XML-SIG] ANN: XML-Sig Wise Installer for WIndows
Christian Tismer
Sat, 18 Sep 1999 20:11:45 +0200
Hi all,
I have packed together a Wise installer for the current
XML SIG CVS snapshot as of today.
DOWNLOAD of the installer executable:
DOWNLOAD of the Wise source and helper scripts:
(these should go into xml/Wise for the CVS)
The installer takes the main XML directory and installs it
by default under \yourPythonDir\xml .
Additionally, it puts the 'demo' and 'doc' files into the
installation directory.
The available documentation seems to have some broken links,
but partially it works fine. The help files are accessible
from PythonWin's help menu.
As a note for CVS uploads: The xmlproc .gif uploads had additional
cr/lf chars which I removed. I thought it was a CVS setup error,
but they were in fact binary and wrong before the upload.
Please complain to XML-SIG about bugs left in the demo directory.
Complaints about the installer should go to me :-)
have fun with XML - chris
Christian Tismer :^) <mailto:tismer@appliedbiometrics.com>
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