[XML-SIG] Revising an XML file.
Rob Hooft
Mon, 27 Sep 1999 08:38:00 +0200 (MZT)
I've been playing with XML and a self-designed DTD to store X-ray
crystallographic data: everything from the calibration of the X-ray
detector to the final results are stored in one file.
The calibration is performed by a number of different programs. My
next "task" is to figure out an easy way of re-calibration: i.e. I
have to change a few fields in an XML database without touching
anything I do not understand.
Is there a simple way to implement such an editor? Do I need to parse
the full file, and for every tag I don't want to touch reconstruct the
XML and re-write it?
===== r.w.w.hooft@nonius.nl http://www.xs4all.nl/~hooft/rob/ =====
===== R&D, Nonius BV, Delft http://www.nonius.nl/ =====
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