[XML-SIG] namespace/localpart tuples
Greg Stein
Wed, 5 Jan 2000 15:30:04 -0800 (PST)
On Wed, 5 Jan 2000 uche.ogbuji@fourthought.com wrote:
> The prefix has no semantic value: it is indeed syntactic sugar. However, it
> is very important to maintain the "principle of least surprise" for users.
> If a user runs his XSLT stylesheet through a SAX processor and finds that all
> his "xsl:template" elements have been renamed to "prefix00001:template", he
> might be very confused indeed.
hehe... agreed on that one :-)
> Note that there is at least one case in which the prefix does matter: XSLT
> uses the prefix to match declared namespaces in the stylesheet to namespaces
> in the source document. Now many people have already railed against this
> violation of the spirit of XML Namespaces 1.0, but there is no srguing that it
> was the most elegant solution to a difficult problem that the XSLT WG faced in
> dealing with namespaces.
Oh, kee-rist. What dickheads.
All right... then there is a reason to keep the prefix. Sigh. The
three-tuple containing the prefix should be used since XSLT applies
semantic meaning to it.
> > IMO, it is much better to regenerate a new set of prefixes for the set of
> > namespace URIs that are present in an XML document.
> Even as a user who knows better about the meaning of prefixes, I would be very
> annoyed at a processor that did this. I often deal with documented with 4 or
> more namespaces (this is not too unusual: very common in RDF) and I give my
> prefixes mnemonic names to help sort things out. I don't want processors
> renaming them to "p01a3", etc.
Yah. DAV typically uses a few namespace, too (DAV: itself plus
product-specific properties), so I'm familiar with this.
If you don't like the renaming, then avoid mod_dav :-) (it renames stuff
to things like ns0, ns1, i0, i1, ...). I could explain why, but you
probably don't want to hear... hehe
Greg Stein, http://www.lyra.org/