[XML-SIG] SAX Namespaces

Paul Prescod paul@prescod.net
Tue, 04 Jul 2000 00:49:48 -0500

Greg Stein wrote:
> ...
> > > #2. def startElement( self, (uri,localname,qname), attrs ):
> This form is a bit more difficult to work with the uri/localname pair when
> doing processing.

True, but easier to work with the triple when passing from module to
module -- which becomes a bigger deal when we start to talk about

> This introduces a "mode" into the API. Depending on some flag, you get
> entirely different data. 

Right. Depending on some flag *set by you*. 

> In essence the variant structure of the return value does a disservice to
> creating a standard API. Depending on how the event generator is set up, you
> could get entirely different data.

That's a virtue, not a flaw. If you ask for namespace information you
get it. If you aren't interested, you don't see it.
 Paul Prescod - Not encumbered by corporate consensus
The great era of mathematical physics is now over; the 300-year effort
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understanding it was to provide is infinitely closer than it was when
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