[XML-SIG] Ugh! Why are DOM access methods spelled with a leading '_'?
Martijn Faassen
Mon, 10 Jul 2000 16:49:44 +0200
Hi folks,
Sorry for the late followup, but since I'm interested in DOM in Zope,
and am implementing a DOM (on top of MetaKit) as well, I think I can jump in.
tpassin@home.com wrote:
> > > Are you proposing all access through functions?
> > Yes.
> I second this.
All access through functions would be nice for me too. Dealing with
attributes in the implementation is a major pain. I always wondered
why 4DOM took the attribute approach when doing my implementation.
The caching attributes argument in my case does not at all apply;
all data is in fact stored in MetaKit tables; the Python DOM objects come
and go. I also avoid circular references this way.