[XML-SIG] packaging question
Greg Stein
Mon, 24 Jul 2000 15:41:51 -0700
On Mon, Jul 24, 2000 at 04:54:57PM -0400, Fred L. Drake, Jr. wrote:
> Greg Stein writes:
> > I agree with Bjorn.
> That it's a convenience issue or that it's the right thing to do?
Having the core distro and PyXML both use the "xml" namespace means that we
can migrate stuff from PyXML into the as those items become stable. This is
convenient for programmers (don't worry where it comes from or whether it
has moved; just use "xml"), and is the right thing (it all "just works" and
provides a mechanism for future changes).
> > I've posted a description of how to accomplish this "melding" of the
> > packages in a flexible manner. It allows us to ship the "xml" package in the
> Yes; I've re-read your proposal and Martin's patch. I don't want to
> worry about *how* until it's clear *what* the right result is.
You know... sometimes it is important to just *DO* something rather than
talk endlessly about whether it is perfect or not. How long has this subject
been "on the table"? Too long.
There has been a lot of people talking, trying to be heard about this or
that. It would be nice to actually see people doing something other than
typing text into their email clients.
Greg Stein, http://www.lyra.org/