[XML-SIG] javadom.py

Lars Marius Garshol larsga@garshol.priv.no
23 Mar 2000 18:14:05 +0100

Here is my first attempt at javadom.py.  If I get permission to do so
I will check it into CVS, but for the moment I'm only posting it here.
Note that it's still pretty rough and hasn't seen all that much testing.

One unsettled question (for me) is where to put the various DOM
constants and how to name the get/set methods.  I've mimicked PyDOM,
but have since seen that 4DOM does it differently.  Has it been
decided which interface 4DOM will have when it's integrated into the
XML-SIG package?

# An adapter for Java DOM implementations that makes it possible to
# access them through the same interface as the Python DOM
# implementation.

# For now based on Sun's Java Project X.

# Todo:
# - implement remaining Python parts of NodeList and NamedNodeMap
# - more 4DOM-like interface? support _get_* ?
# - make a test suite
# - support more DOM implementations
#   - find a scheme for doing this
# - support level 2
# - get rid of FIXMEs

import string

def filetourl(file):
    # A Python port of James Clark's fileToURL from XMLTest.java.
    from java.io import File
    from java.net import URL
    from java.lang import System
    file = File(file).getAbsolutePath()
    sep = System.getProperty("file.separator")

    if sep != None and len(sep) == 1:
        file = file.replace(sep[0], '/')

    if len(file) > 0 and file[0] != '/':
        file = '/' + file

    return URL('file', None, file).toString()

def createDocument():
    from com.sun.xml.tree import XmlDocument
    return Document(XmlDocument())

def buildDocumentString(string):
    from com.sun.xml.tree import XmlDocumentBuilder
    return Document(XmlDocumentBuilder.createXmlDocument(string))    

def buildDocumentUrl(url):
    from com.sun.xml.tree import XmlDocument
    return Document(XmlDocument.createXmlDocument(url))

def buildDocumentFile(filename):
    return buildDocumentUrl(filetourl(filename))

# ===== Utilities

def _wrap_node(node):
    if node == None:
        return None
    return NODE_CLASS_MAP[node.getNodeType()] (node)

# ===== Constants

ELEMENT_NODE                = 1
ATTRIBUTE_NODE              = 2
TEXT_NODE                   = 3
ENTITY_NODE                 = 6
COMMENT_NODE                = 8
DOCUMENT_NODE               = 9
DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE          = 10
NOTATION_NODE               = 12

# ===== DOMImplementation

class DOMImplementation:

    def __init__(self, impl):
        self._impl = impl

    def hasFeature(self, feature, version):
        if version == None or version == "1.0":
            return string.lower(feature) == "xml" and \
                   self._impl.hasFeature(feature, version)
            return 0

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<DOMImplementation javadom.py, using '%s'>" % self._impl

# ===== Node

class Node:

    def __init__(self, impl):
        self._impl = impl

    # attributes
    def get_nodeName(self):
        return self._impl.getNodeName()

    def get_nodeValue(self):
        return self._impl.getNodeValue()

    def get_nodeType(self):
        return self._impl.getNodeType()

    def get_parentNode(self):
        return _wrap_node(self._impl.getParentNode())

    def get_childNodes(self):
        children = self._impl.getChildNodes()
        if children is None:
            return children
            return NodeList(children)

    def get_firstChild(self):
        return _wrap_node(self._impl.getFirstChild())

    def get_lastChild(self):
        return _wrap_node(self._impl.getLastChild())
    def get_previousSibling(self):
        return _wrap_node(self._impl.getPreviousSibling())
    def get_nextSibling(self):
        return _wrap_node(self._impl.getNextSibling())
    def get_ownerDocument(self):
        return _wrap_node(self._impl.getOwnerDocument())

    def get_attributes(self):
        atts = self._impl.getAttributes()
        if atts is None:
            return None
            return NamedNodeMap(atts)
    # methods

    def insertBefore(self, new, neighbour):
        self._impl.insertBefore(new._impl, neighbour._impl)

    def replaceChild(self, new, old):
        self._impl.replaceChild(new._impl, old._impl)
        return old

    def removeChild(self, old):
        return old

    def appendChild(self, new):

    def hasChildNodes(self):
        return self._impl.hasChildNodes()

    def cloneNode(self):
        return _wrap_node(self._impl.cloneNode())

    # attribute access

    def __getattr__(self, name):
        if name[ :4] != "get_" and hasattr(self, "get_" + name):
            return getattr(self, "get_" + name) ()
            raise AttributeError(name)

    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
        if name[ :4] != "set_" and hasattr(self, "set_" + name):
            getattr(self, "set_" + name) (value)
            raise AttributeError(name)
# ===== Document

class Document(Node):
    # methods

    def createTextNode(self, data):
        return Text(self._impl.createTextNode(data))

    def createEntityReference(self, ):
        return EntityReference(self._impl.createEntityReference())

    def createElement(self, name):
        return Element(self._impl.createElement(name))

    def createDocumentFragment(self):
        return DocumentFragment(self._impl.createDocumentFragment())

    def createComment(self, data):
        return Comment(self._impl.createComment(data))

    def createCDATASection(self, data):
        return CDATASection(self._impl.createCDATASection(data))

    def createProcessingInstruction(self, target, data):
        return ProcessingInstruction(self._impl.createProcessingInstruction(target, data))

    def createAttribute(self, name):
        return Attr(self._impl.createAttribute(name))

    def getElementsByTagName(self, name):
        return NodeList(self._impl.getElementsByTagName(name))
    # attributes

    def get_doctype(self):
        return self._impl.getDoctype()

    def get_implementation(self):
        return DOMImplementation(self._impl.getImplementation())

    def get_documentElement(self):
        return _wrap_node(self._impl.getDocumentElement())

    def __repr__(self):
        docelm = self._impl.getDocumentElement()
        if docelm:
            return "<Document with root '%s'>" % docelm.getTagName()
            return "<Document with no root>"
# ===== Element

class Element(Node):

    def __init__(self, impl):
        Node.__init__(self, impl)

        self.get_tagName     = self._impl.getTagName
        self.getAttribute    = self._impl.getAttribute
        self.setAttribute    = self._impl.setAttribute
        self.removeAttribute = self._impl.removeAttribute
        self.normalize       = self._impl.normalize

    def getAttributeNode(self, name):
        return Attr(self._impl.getAttributeNode(name))

    def setAttributeNode(self, attr):

    def removeAttributeNode(self, attr):

    def getElementsByTagName(self, name):
        return NodeList(self._impl.getElementsByTagName(name))

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<Element '%s' with %d attributes and %d children>" % \
# ===== CharacterData

class CharacterData(Node):
    def __init__(self, impl):
        Node.__init__(self, impl)
        self.get_data      = self._impl.getData
        self.set_data      = self._impl.setData
        self.get_length    = self._impl.getLength
        self.substringData = self._impl.substringData
        self.appendData    = self._impl.appendData
        self.insertData    = self._impl.insertData
        self.deleteData    = self._impl.deleteData
        self.replaceData   = self._impl.replaceData
# ===== Comment

class Comment(CharacterData):

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<Comment of length %d>" % self.getLength()

# ===== ProcessingInstruction

class ProcessingInstruction(Node):

    def __init__(self, impl):
        Node.__init__(self, impl)

        self.get_target = self._impl.getTarget
        self.get_data   = self._impl.getData
        self.set_data   = self._impl.setData

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<PI with target '%s'>" % self._impl.getTarget()
# ===== Text

class Text(CharacterData):

    def splitText(self, offset):
        return Text(self._impl.splitText(offset))

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<Text of length %d>" % self._impl.getLength()
# ===== CDATASection

class CDATASection(Text):

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<CDATA section of length %d>" % self._impl.getLength()
# ===== Attr

class Attr(Node):
    def __init__(self, impl):
        Node.__init__(self, impl)

        self.get_name      = self._impl.getName
        self.get_specified = self._impl.getSpecified
        self.get_value     = self._impl.setValue
        self.set_value     = self._impl.setValue

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<Attr '%s'>" % self._impl.getName()
# ===== EntityReference

class EntityReference(Node):

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<EntityReference '%s'>" % self.getNodeName()
# ===== DocumentType

class DocumentType(Node):

    def __init__(self, impl):
        Node.__init__(self, impl)

        self.get_name = self._impl.getName

    def get_entities(self):
        return NamedNodeMap(self._impl.getEntities())

    def get_notations(self):
        return NamedNodeMap(self._impl.getNotations())

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<DocumentType '%s'>" % self._impl.getNodeName()
# ===== Notation

class Notation(Node):

    def __init__(self, impl):
        Node.__init__(self, impl)

        self.get_publicId = self._impl.getPublicId
        self.get_systemId = self._impl.getSystemId

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<Notation '%s'>" % self._impl.getNodeName()
# ===== Entity

class Entity(Node):

    def __init__(self, impl):
        Node.__init__(self, impl)

        self.get_publicId = self._impl.getPublicId
        self.get_systemId = self._impl.getSystemId
        self.get_notationName = self._impl.getNotationName

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<Entity '%s'>" % self._impl.getNodeName()
# ===== DocumentFragment

class DocumentFragment(Node):

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<DocumentFragment>"
# ===== NodeList

class NodeList:

    def __init__(self, impl):
        self._impl = impl

        self.__len__    = self._impl.getLength
        self.get_length = self._impl.getLength
        self.item       = self._impl.item

    # Python list methods
    def __getitem__(self, ix):
        node = self._impl.item(ix)
        if node is None:
            raise IndexError
            return _wrap_node(node)

    def __setitem__(self, ix, item):
        raise TypeError, "NodeList instances don't support item assignment"

    def __delitem__(self, ix, item):
        raise TypeError, "NodeList instances don't support item deletion"

    def __setslice__(self, i, j, list):
        raise TypeError, "NodeList instances don't support slice assignment"
    def __delslice__(self, i, j):
        raise TypeError, "NodeList instances don't support slice deletion"

    def append(self, item): 
        raise TypeError, "NodeList instances don't support .append()"
    def insert(self, i, item):
        raise TypeError, "NodeList instances don't support .insert()"
    def pop(self, i=-1): 
        raise TypeError, "NodeList instances don't support .pop()"
    def remove(self, item): 
        raise TypeError, "NodeList instances don't support .remove()"
    def reverse(self): 
        raise TypeError, "NodeList instances don't support .reverse()"
    def sort(self, *args): 
        raise TypeError, "NodeList instances don't support .sort()"

    def __repr__(self):        
        return "<NodeList [ %s ]>" % string.join(map(repr, self), ", ")
    # FIXME: getslice, add, radd, mul, rmul, count, index
# ===== NamedNodeMap

class NamedNodeMap:

    def __init__(self, impl):
        self._impl = impl

        self.get_length = self._impl.getLength
        self.__len__    = self._impl.getLength

    def getNamedItem(self, name):
        return _wrap_node(self._impl.getNamedItem(name))

    def setNamedItem(self, node):
        return _wrap_node(self._impl.setNamedItem(node._impl))

    def removedNamedItem(self, name):
        return _wrap_node(self._impl.removedNamedItem(name))

    def item(self, index):
        return _wrap_node(self._impl.item(index))

    # Python dictionary methods
    def __getitem__(self, key):
        node = self._impl.getNamedItem(name)
        if node is None:
            raise KeyError, key
            return _wrap_node(node)

    def get(self, key, alternative = None):
        node = self._impl.getNamedItem(name)
        if node is None:
            return alternative
            return _wrap_node(node)        
    def has_key(self, key):
        return self._impl.getNamedItem(name) != None

    def items(self):
        list = []
        for ix in range(self._impl.getLength()):
            node = self._impl.item(ix)
            list.append((node.getNodeName(), _wrap_node(node)))
        return list

    def keys(self):
        list = []
        for ix in range(self._impl.getLength()):
        return list

    def values(self):
        list = []
        for ix in range(self._impl.getLength()):
        return list        

    def __repr__(self):
        pairs = []
        for pair in self.items():
            pairs.append("'%s' : %s" % pair)
        return "<NamedNodeMap { %s }>" % string.join(pairs, ", ")
    # FIXME! setitem, update
# ===== Various stuff

    ELEMENT_NODE : Element,
    TEXT_NODE : Text,
    ENTITY_REFERENCE_NODE : EntityReference,
    ENTITY_NODE : Entity,
    PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE : ProcessingInstruction,
    COMMENT_NODE : Comment,
    DOCUMENT_NODE : Document,
    DOCUMENT_TYPE_NODE : DocumentType,
    DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE : DocumentFragment,
    NOTATION_NODE : Notation
# ===== Self-test

if __name__ == "__main__":
    doc2 = createDocument()
    print doc2
    print doc2.get_implementation()
    root = doc2.createElement("doc")
    print root
    txt = doc2.createTextNode("This is a simple sample \n")
    print txt

    print root.get_childNodes()[0]
    print root.get_childNodes()    

    root.setAttribute("huba", "haba")
    print root
    print root.get_attributes()

--Lars M.