[XML-SIG] fast dump/restore of an XML document?
Greg Stein
Tue, 16 May 2000 21:24:18 -0700 (PDT)
On Tue, 16 May 2000, Anthony Baxter wrote:
> >>> Greg Stein wrote
> > xml.utils.qp_xml parses XML into a very lightweight structure. Those
> > should be easily pickle-able. With a little bit of work, I bet they could
> > be marshalled.
> >
> > It definitely isn't a solution out of the box, but (IMO) it is a great
> > head start on a Pythonic structure that is easily marshalled/pickled.
> Hm - when I use qp_xml, I get
> File "/opt/python/lib/python1.5/site-packages/xml/utils/qp_xml.py", line 144, in parse
> p.Parse(input, 1)
> File "/opt/python/lib/python1.5/site-packages/xml/utils/qp_xml.py", line 88, in start
> name = attrs[i]
> KeyError: 0
Oh... this is caused by the API change to pyexpat. How damn annoying.
All righty, then. I just checked in some changes to qp_xml to fix this
problem, among others.
Please grab a new copy from anon-cvs, or download it from:
Greg Stein, http://www.lyra.org/