[XML-SIG] [Fwd: Namespace collision between lib/xml and site-packages/xml]
Mark Favas
Fri, 01 Sep 2000 08:49:17 +0800
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Email - m.favas@per.dem.csiro.au Mark C Favas
Phone - +61 8 9333 6268, 0418 926 074 CSIRO Exploration & Mining
Fax - +61 8 9383 9891 Private Bag No 5, Wembley
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Date: Fri, 01 Sep 2000 06:29:47 +0800
From: Mark Favas <m.favas@per.dem.csiro.au>
Organization: CSIRO Exploration & Mining
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To: python-dev@python.org, xml-sg@python.org
Subject: Namespace collision between lib/xml and site-packages/xml
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On July 26 I reported that the new xml package in the standard library
collides with and overrides the xml package from the xml-sig that may be
installed in site-packages. This is still the case. The new package does
not have the same functionality as the one in site-packages, and hence
my application (and others relying on similar functionality) gets an
import error. I understood that it was planned that the new library xml
package would check for the site-package version, and transparently hand
over to it if it existed. It's not really an option to remove/rename the
xml package in the std lib, or to break existing xml-based code...
Of course, this might be fixed by 2.0b1, or is it a feature that will be
frozen out <wry smile>?
Fred's response was:
" I expect we'll be making the package in site-packages an extension
provider for the xml package in the standard library. I'm planning to
discuss this issue at today's PythonLabs meeting."