[XML-SIG] "Selling" Open Source.
Alan Kennedy
Tue, 17 Apr 2001 12:21:50 +0100
W. Eliot Kimber wrote:
> However I
> spoke with our CEO just yesterday about providing an open
> source version of what we've got, which is all entirely
> Python based. She said she would give it serious
> consideration.
> I'm trying to sell my
> employer, DataChannel, on the benefit of other integrators
> having easy access to our software so they can develop
> additional add ons.
For interest, The Economist has a series of articles this month about
Software and Web Services, including an article on Open Source.
It might be a useful for persuading CEO's, CIO's and CFO's to know that such
an economics/finance/free market oriented publication as the Economist is
writing positively about Open Source, in language that C?O's understand. You
can read the article at
Contents for the "Survey of Software" can be read at