[XML-SIG] xml-schema parsing using minidom.

Martin v. Loewis martin@v.loewis.de
Mon, 3 Dec 2001 08:48:31 +0100

> But contents is different to version 1.6.
> class PullDOM(xml.sax.ContentHandler):
>     def __init__(self):
>         self.firstEvent = [None, None]
>         self.lastEvent = self.firstEvent
>         self._ns_contexts = [{}] # contains uri -> prefix dicts
>         self._current_context = self._ns_contexts[-1]

It should then read

class PullDOM(xml.sax.ContentHandler):
    def __init__(self):
        from xml.dom import XML_NAMESPACE
        self.firstEvent = [None, None]
        self.lastEvent = self.firstEvent
        self._ns_contexts = [{XML_NAMESPACE:'xml'}] # contains uri -> prefix dicts
        self._current_context = self._ns_contexts[-1]

> 2) My aim of using PyExpat is not only parsing the schema file but
> also to print the variants enum value.
> It is not giving any parse error. But the function "getAvailableVariants()"
> is not working as we expect to print enums. 
> It is not even printing available simpleTypes.

Since you are parsing in a namespace-aware mode, you also need to use
the namespace API. So replace

	simpletypes = dom.getElementsByTagName("xsd:simpleType")


	simpletypes = dom.getElementsByTagNameNS(XSD,"simpleType")


