[XML-SIG] Writing DOM-neutral code
Rich Salz
Wed, 05 Dec 2001 15:36:59 -0500
I know that on the face of it that's a silly question -- it's the whole
point of having a standard (albeit crappy:) API.
If I have an element, e, then
Using pyxml (4dom) dom, e.attributes is a list
Using cDomlette, e.attributes is a dictionary;
e.attributes.values() is what is needed
Within PyXML I have xml/dom/ext/c14n.py, and I also have ZSI
(pywebsvcs.sf.net), and I want to support both the full rich dom and the
lean and mean fast one.
Anyone have any general approaches to this? Right now, I'm about to
check this change into c14n.py:
+def _attrs(E):
+ '''Get the sequence of attribute nodes, even if the DOM uses a
+ dictionary.'''
+ a = E.attributes
+ if not a: return []
+ if type(a) == type({}): return a.values()
+ return a
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