[XML-SIG] Python XML topic page
Andrew Kuchling
Thu, 4 Jan 2001 10:13:05 -0500
On Thu, Jan 04, 2001 at 07:37:08AM -0700, uche.ogbuji@fourthought.com wrote:
>Way out of date in general. I'd like to make bunch of additions and a few
>corrections. First of all I wanted to be sure no one minded. If not, the
>next bit is knowing where it is in the sourceforge source tree.
Please do. The Web pages are in a separate module, 'www', so you'll
have to check that module out from cvs.pyxml.sourceforge.net
>While I'm noting the fact, python.org is terribly out of date in general
>beyond the first few pages. I know there are some unfortunate reasons behind
>this, but it's pretty sad.
Yes; we should make it a goal to spruce things up through the first
half of 2001 (maybe after 2.1 is released).