[XML-SIG] I am confused...
Roman Suzi
Sun, 28 Jan 2001 22:32:06 +0300 (MSK)
On Sun, 28 Jan 2001, Uche Ogbuji wrote:
>> On Sun, 28 Jan 2001, Roman Suzi wrote:
>> >- are Python XML tools (and which of them?) up to the task of facilitating
>> >site-generation with bearable speed?
>> I remember I was doing queries in the form
>> "/article/author/name"
>> - and it was so slow... (0.5 - 1 sec per query on Celeron 400)
>What size was the file? The time you mentioned is in line for using 4XPath on
>a 640KB file, as you can see in this demo:
>>>> len(result)
On my AMD k6-200 this is more than 2 times longer, but still impressing:
python1.5 big.py
>bigxml is 640K once generated. I don't think it's unreasonable for processing
>I'm curious to learn more about your data and the Python app you're using.
>You say not 4Suite so I assume you mean the old PyPath that used to come in
I do not remember exact name.
>> In my application I need many such queries to fill
>> the template - that is why speed was unbearable.
>> Anyway, before claiming XML tools for Python slow I need to recheck
>> with new versions - if there are no objections to the
>> above scheme. (And what is preferrable tool for queries?
>> XPath?)
>It depends on the nature of the queries.
Mostly of the type shown above. Sometimes with conditions.
>> Is there any on-line tutorial (?) or just example code
>> to learn how to work efficiently with XML from Python?
>> (Python is my favorite language while Java is not)
>> I read code from xml.* but it doesn't give me clues
>> for real usage.
>If you get 4Suite there are some examples in the demo directories. And you
>can always get help here.
Thank you! Your example shows good performance of 4Suite tools.
Sincerely yours, Roman Suzi
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